Tuesday, October 14

Jury Dudey (Appreciating the City)

A day in the courts after a weekend in the woods, -sigh-. Still, nice to walk outside at lunch and be confronted by literally hundreds of restaurants instead of hundreds of elegantly decomposing automobiles. Getting on the computer and ordering whatever the hell I want for dinner and having it appear within a half hour, that ain't gonna happen when your closest neighbor is a mile down the road.

Stepped on the scale, told me 219 for a second week in a row. Hurm.

BREAKFAST: 8:30am, good yogurt with honey, vanilla, raw cashews, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5

LUNCH: 1:30pm, mixed gluten, mock ham in rice dough, mashed taro treasure boxes, deep fried vegetarian crescents, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Lunch at Vegetarian Dim Sum. Was desiring ice cream after, but was just too full.

DINNER: 7:30pm, Philly cheese steak with whiz and onions, garden salad, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Nothing to cook in the house, B out partying it up with the gals, so I ordered in some man-food. Was tempted to order fries, but thought I might feel queasy from that sea of grease, so femmed it up a bit with a simple salad my mom would of loved -- iceberg lettuce, cuce, tomato, white onion and that's about it. Fries: $2.50, salad: $3.75. Hello, fat-ass nation!

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