Had a good morning working on my music collection, got the farmers market at 8am and got superhippy bread, lamb snausages, a full salad, etc. After I got home and helped B with the laundry, went out again to Wholefoods and stocked up to start with the pizza making.
At the farmers market, there was a fantastic selection of all sorts of good looking apples with names I never heard before. Bought a whole bunch of 'Mutu' yellow apples that are supposed to be very crisp and tart, so I made an apple crisp this morning, hopefully the tartness will make a superior crisp....
BREAKFAST #1: 5:30am, organic cornflakes with good milk, hunger 3/5
BREAKFAST #2: 9am, good yogurt with honey, vanila and raw cashews.
LUNCH: 1pm, homemade pizza, small amount of cinnamon gelato, seltzer, hunger 4/5
Got new dough from wholefoods. Found it difficult to work with, gotta get a pizza-peel. Used whole peeled tomatoes on the pizza, too liquidy. Little bits of buffala moz was perfect, but the crust was too thick (so it had that moist wet dough layer between the toppings and the crust), the tomatoes brought too much liquid, needed a little bit of salt, a little bit of olive oil, maybe a little bit of basil. Next time maybe I'll blend up my own experimental pizza sauce.
PM SNACK: 5pm, small piece of apple crumble, hunger 3/5
B had a friend over, to be social. Pleasantly tart.
DINNER: 8pm, entire box of prepared low-sodium stuffing, hunger 3/5
An elderly neighbor knocked on our door, her elderly husband fell in the bathroom and hit his head and couldn't stand up. I ran across the hall to look, and though there was no blood and he was conscious and coherent, it was clear with his advanced age, this kind of fall required immediate medical attention. Betsy and I stayed with the woman, who clearly had dementia, as we waited what seemed like forever for 911 to arrive. After Nathan was taken away, we stayed with the woman for a while, got her daughter (probably in her 70s) on the phone, arranged for someone to come and look after her.
The whole thing was reminiscent of my father's last days, the beginning of the end was when he fell in the kitchen and hit his head, concussion and stroke and the whole 9 from that fall. While B and her friend went out, I just felt crappier and crappier - not so much depressed, as remembering what it was like. With my parents, when one lost their health, the other picked up the slack. When the other was alone and sick, I moved in. Neither ever had to move to a home, both always had a family member and/or a home health aid at all times. Here, these two people, clearly both on the edge of oblivion, why don't they have a home health aide or a younger relative living with them? Just so disturbing. But we did what we can, and we'll look more closely after our neighbors from here on in.
Wasn't hungry, going through the cupboard. A lot of good stuff to eat, but the only thing I went for was....crappy box of stuffing. Every Thanksgiving when my mom cooked, I would make the stuffing - which was from a damn Stouffers box, so it wasn't cooking really. So when my mom would brag that Noah made the stuffing, I'd have to qualify that it was from a box, not from scratch.
I didn't mean to eat the whole box, it just kinda disappeared from the pot. By the end, I could kinda taste a weird stale chemically aspect to it which I never noticed before. Still, it tasted like fall with my mom.