I got to bed around 11:30pm, but when I woke up at 3am, I just knew I would not be going back to sleep: the beef and chocolate were coursing through my veins, and I wanted to ride. I had set the alarm for 5:30am, so it wasn't THAT much earlier. I felt a bit off -- it was humid and a little stuffy in the apartment, a sheen of sweat on my brow.
I left the house at 4:45am in the moist darkness and did a loop around Manhattan, almost giving up because of tiredness at the northern tip, but pushed through. At the end of the ride, I met up with my friend E in Greenpoint and had breakfast at a usually-crowded hipster joint, but due to the unusualness of both of up and about at such an early hour, it was quite calm.
When arriving back home at precisely 10am, I was just in time for a meeting of the group who are responsible for the composting barrels right outside my building -- I got a key, and am now ready to get on down with the browns and greens! The HVS would be so proud.
B & Edles went to her brother's to hang out with her family, while I promptly passed out at 12:15 for 4 hours. I awoke to their arrival, when I promptly ordered in a pizza and salad from Lombardis. Gawd bless NYC. Green tea helped my resolve not to stuff down any sweets.
I spent the evening making my own version of Chunky Monkey ice cream -- basically my Creme Anglais ice cream custard with 4 ripe bananas blended into it, and a tray of cinnamon candied walnuts and a dish of banana liqueur-spiked dark chocolate ganache that will be cut into cubes, all going to be mixed in. I was happily resisting the urge to eat sweets when Betsy ripped open a box of chocolates I received as a gift and started taking a bite out of each piece. I could not help but sweep up after her, with my mouth! On the negative side, I was eating sweets, but on the positive side, it's part of why I love my wife so much! Hrumph!
BREAKFAST 1: 3:45am, granola with organic dead milk, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5
BREAKFAST 2: 8:45am, gravlax with a little cream cheese on a soft roll, bacon, green tea, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
PM SNACK: 4:15pm, glass of iced mint green tea
DINNER: 5:45pm, pizza with mushroom and onion, Cesar salad, 1.75 bowl, hunger 4/5
EVENING SNACK: 8pm, bites of random chocolates, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
EVENING SNACK: 11:45pm, multigrain tortilla chips with salsa, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5