Saturday, June 20

Burger King sucks.

Check out all the ladies all over my house! Rufasina is slowly getting used to Birdie, and has begun snuggling on people while they hold the bebe, it's pretty cool.

Was going to ride this morning, but weather and bebes and family had other plans for me. Was nice getting out to the market and shoppin' for groceries.

BREAKFAST: 8:30am, organic cheerios with organic dead milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:30pm, Whopper Jr. w/o cheese, small fries, a few sips of diet coke, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Stressed by life, wanted to eat fast, simple, no B.S. Haven't eaten Burger King since college, and there is one in my neighborhood I've never hit up. Mistake, BK is horrible, much worse than I remember it. Ordered the smallest meal possible, the soda was still 20z. Haven't tasted diet coke in a while, wow, tastes like sweet battery acid. The fries were surprisingly mealy and inferior to McDonalds, the burger was mayo-slathered, and not good mayo, either. The beef didn't really taste grilled, but it had that soy-byproduct flavor I became familiar with when I was in public school when I was a kid. The copy on the various collateral around the store was vaguely "clever" and snarky, like their advertising, trying to appeal to white males in their 20s, I guess. Weird, as most of the customers in the store were black and Hispanic families. At least McD's micro-markets, I guess BK just does one national message and hope for the best.

PM SNACK: 2:30pm, freshly made salsa fresca with flax seed corn chips, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Spent the afternoon prepping for tomorrow's pizza dinner...may experiment with a salsa pizza.

PM SNACK: 4pm, failed chocolate ganache, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 5pm, salad, a little seaweed rice, a little mac n' cheese, a little grilled chicken, a little cooked spinach, a little whipped failed ganache, glass of white wine, 1 bowl
K came over to see the baby, made dinner of a few left overs and a swiftly grilled chicken boobie. Nice to put out a meal in a few minutes, while the hours that went into making it over the past week was maybe 5 hours.

EVENING SNACK: 11:30pm, dinner over again minus the wine and desert, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Writing this blog, I realized I was hungry!

Friday, June 19

Unexpectedly Wonderful Dinner

Woke up early to finish up a freelance gig, played with B&E, fell asleep on the couch and when I awoke momma-in-law was here looking after things and I had a craving for pizza. Some of B's relatives were visiting from out of town, and Edie magically slept through most of their visit. We strapped Birdie into our stroller and took her on her first stroll out of the house, to CVS and then to the green space behind our building. Her eyes were darting everywhere, it was quite amazing.

Still ate a bit too much, but more under control.

BREAKFAST: 8:30am, organic cheerios with organic dead milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 1pm, 2 slices of local streetza, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 3:30pm, small slice of chocolate caramel tart, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Fortunately due to house guests, I was able to finish this without eating too much of it. But there's a whole other one in the freezer....

PM SNACK: 5pm, chocolate ganache, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
I doubled up on the heavy cream when I was making ganache for the top layer of the tart, so I put it aside and started over again, correctly. So this was 2 cups of heavy cream to 16 oz 70% dark chocolate. Cream brought to a boil, then chopped chocolate dropped in and stirred until smooth. When chilled, it's suppose to set to a nice solid consistency, but the high heavy cream would keep in mushy. I thought I'd drop it in the ice cream maker and see what came out, but when I dipped a spatula had the consistency of pudding!! Or realllllly concentrated hot chocolate. I tasted it....a bit gritty from chocolate not melted enough, but still over the top yummy. The kind of mess a home cook would make, but wouldn't dare serve to a guest.

DINNER: 9:30pm, mushroom seaweed rice with shrimp, water, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Granny has been in the house al day helping out, so there was no way I was gonna feed her left overs. Easy-ass meal to make, came out really good. Sushi rice, aramay seaweed, olive oil, minced shallot, salt and half strong mushroom stock (made from slightly off morels from the resto), all in the rice cooker, turn on and walk away. When that came up done in 30 minutes, took some shrimp out of the freezer, cleaned and deveined under water, dipped in oil and herbs de Provence and salt, into a blazing hot pan. Flamed up, which surprised me. After 20 seconds, tossed in some sake to deglaze so I could flip them without tearing them up, beautiful browning. After another 20 seconds, right onto the large bowl with a cute little mound of the pleasingly umami-infused brown-tinted rice with strings of soft green threads. Wow. I would pay money for this meal in a restaurant.

Nice when you just improvise with stuff that's been sitting around forever and just explodes is flavor. I was considering softening the shallot in a pan and toasting the rice before hitting up the machine, but I....was just too lazy. Glad I was, because it's simplicity is going make me want to make it again. Now I just need to get my hands on another 10 lbs of free morels...

Thursday, June 18

Ruminations on Edie

It occurred to me last night that Edie looks like me. Someone recently joked that babies have evolved to initially look like their fathers, so they don't toss them out of the cave. I know back in the day people would not get too emotionally attached to their babies because they would often die -- sometimes, babies weren't even named until their 2nd birthday! That sounds like a reasonable allowance for high infant mortality, but judging by how Edie is thriving, we should have named her about 9 months before she was born, he he.

She has my mouth, as B has been pointing out multiple times a day, but I also see my father in her forehead and brow, my mom in the particular oval of her head. Looking back, the first day I was just too stunned to see the resemblance. She was all wrinkly, shaky, pointy headed and a little bit like one of those fake rubber baby models they use in the movies (like in "The Hangover" -- I doubt they had a real stunt baby bonk its head on a car door). But the next day -- once she was all cleaned up, a little bit calmer, and more filled out with B's wonderful breast milk -- I really held her for the first time and got to stare at her sleeping face, and I was reminded of my first date with B and how I just kind of fell for her within 60 seconds. I would have been a horrible old-world father, I'd be quaking in my boots from fear of bebe getting the plague or whatever.

As I already said, Edie didn't need to learn to feed; the moment she was placed on B's belly, she literally made a crawl upward and when her mouth was placed on the nipple, started suckling. I didn't even have any time to worry about it. What a stress it must be when babies are too zonked to know enough to get on the boobie.

We were given a "free" container of formula on our last day in the hospital, as well as a handy Similac tote bag. At the pediatrician's office, a whole mess of different formulas are available for sale. I imagine if B had breast issues or our kid was messed up enough to not breast feed, formula would be a plan B....but shouldn't it strictly be a plan of last resort? To give that crap away, like it was normal and inexpensive....nothing is less expensive AND valuable than real 100% freshly squoze boobiejuice! For all this concern for the mother and child, for all this regulation and pushy laws and intrusive prodding, why in hell is formula not being restricted like cigarettes and booze as something to be disdained and only used in limited appropriate circumstances that circumvent breast feeding? Am I being naive?

That said, I can't wait for Edie to get off the teat so I can participate in feeding her....making her food myself, the best pure mush in the land, then B can go do her thing and I can take Edie out and really see the world. Wooooo!

BREAKFAST: 7am, chocolate tart, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5
Needed to eat something healthier, but also wanted to test the tart I spent the afternoon making yesterday. Based on this recipe, E requested it for her birthday. I went out and bought tart pans. The crust was no biggy, but the timing....make the dough, refrigerate 30 minutes. Make the caramel, chill 5 hours. Make the ganache, chill 5 hours before decorating with grey salt. I doubled the recipe, but got 3 tarts out it, which made me wonder. The crust I under mixed, dry and crumbly, like a good tart crust should be. The caramel, the recipe calls for 340 degrees but by the time I got to 320, it started to smoke and smell burnt, so I pulled it and hit it with cream and butter (and some funky creme fraiche).

Between the burning smell, the pale look of the crust (not enough chocolate? Too much flour) and the curiously liquidy ganache, I thought it would be a disaster. Fortunately, the caramel set up perfectly - thick, gooey, sweet, rich and sticky in the right ways, really decadent. The ganache set well, too. The crust is a bit of a mess, but hidden well beneath the layers.

AM SNACK: 10:15am, munchos, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Didn't want anything sweet. Had a craving for Doritos of all things, something I never eat, but when I went to the grocery and looked at the ingredients, my stomach changed its mind. Munchos are an interesting "potato crisp" product, made of dehydrated potatoes, various starches, and the very last ingredient is yeast. Light-ish.

LUNCH: 1pm, samosas in chickpeas, 2 roti, water, 1.75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Picked up some lunch to go at a taxi stand I like, as I was eating realized it was way too much food. I used to eat like that, I gotta avoid this trap. Baby makes me wanna eat!

PM SNACK: 2:45pm, small piece of homemade chocolate caramel tart, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
The problem with having advanced cooking skills at home is that when you make something like this, it's hard to resist because it's so over the top decadent and delicious, relatively difficult to make, expensive to buy, and I unfortunately appreciate it waaaay too much. Hrumph!

DINNER: 6-10pm, a beer, handful of tortilla chips and a little fresh salsa, a bite of fried chicken, a little mac n' cheese, more chocolate tart, a beer, a glass of champagne, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Birthday for E. I fried chicken for her, using a c-school Southern fried chicken recipe, using half veg oil and half Crisco, people liked it though I'm not a fan. Got compliments from both friends and strangers on the fried chicken and the tart, which was nice but weird....I just don't take a compliment well, and when it's a stranger, it's hard to be obnoxious about it without coming off as a dick. With people you know, you can dismiss them and they know that you love them and it's not disrespect, but you can't assume that of strangers.

Wednesday, June 17


Twelve or so of my classmates and professor met at a student's family restaurant out in New Hyde Park. I tore myself away from B and Ediebird because this restaurant happens to be a pizza restaurant, and it was too tempting to pass up a tour of a large pizza operation.

After class, went grocery shopping, got home and cooked perogies for B and a friend of hers who was visiting and helping with Edie. Then I cooked my ass off, made 2 batches of proper mac and cheese, then 3 chocolate caramel tarts based on the Marlow & Sons recipe for E's birthday tomorrow. B's mom came over, so they had plenty of mac to eat as I geared up and got out.

I road over to New Hyde Park in Nassau, it was a good, if trafficky, ride, only 18 miles, but through the dirty car-riddled heart of Queens. Middle Village? Queens Village? Who thought of those clever names? Hollis sure is way the fudge out there.

Guy's shop is huge, practically half a city block, and a kitchen that sprawls over a huge basement. The food was pretty good, honest fare that makes no pretense to be anything other than what it is. A lot of the food (the bread, the moz) are made on premises, which is no small deal. It was fun hanging with the folk, but I avoided the booze and kinda wanted to leave early, and left at the first possible moment, but still didn't get home till 11:30.

I gotta start eating less!

BREAKFAST: 6:30am, granola with organic dead milk, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

AM SNACK: 11am, brownie, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
On break from school, went over to the Madeliene Patisserie, this brownie was surprisingly horrible. Too much butter and sugar, not enough flour or chocolate, tasted like an overly sweet gritty butter cube with some mild cocoa flavor.

PM SNACK: 1:30pm, 2 spinach perogies, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Picked up some fresh perogies from the market, quickly sauteed half an onion in safflower oil with salt, boiled the perogies for 3 minutes, then pan fried them wih the onions, finished with some dried chives, surprisingly good. Gave 2 of my 4 to B in anticipation of dinner...

BIKE DRINK: 4-6pm, 16 oz of gatorade

DINNER: 7pm, 3 slices of different style pizza, 2 pieces bread, 2 glasses wine, fried calamari, various antipasto, pasta and sauce, veal rolatini, a few snippets of dessert, 1.75 bowl, hunger 4/5

Tuesday, June 16


After some of B's family visited in the morning to check out Birdie, we had a pediatrician's appointment. Edie gained a whole quarter pound since Saturday! She's my quarter-pounder! That's a good thing, B is doing a wonderful job with Edes, though when I tell her this, I don't know if she believes me. So I guess I have to blog about it to make it f'real. H'rumph!

Ridiculously cute moment of the day: When B put down Edwina (a nickname suggested by a relative who shall remain nameless), Lil E' had the CUTEST hiccups. Drinking milk too fast? I couldn't resist, I had to shoot some footage:

BREAKFAST: 10am, organic chex with organic dead milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH 1: 12:30pm, small piece of potato nik, kimchi, ice cream, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH 2: 3pm, falafel sandwich, fries, horrible grape soda, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
After pediatrician, wandered with B, ended up at a Maoz on 8th Street. Falafel was good, the fries were fneh and the Fanta grape soda was kinda gross, more candy-like than grapey.

PM SNACK: 6pm, ice cream, .33 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 9:15pm, good peanutbutter on superhippy bread, water, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

Monday, June 15

Edie vs. Rufus?

Woke at 6am with the idea of going back to school today, but just too tired and overwhelmed by what needs to be done....and leaving B & Birdie by their lonesome. I mean, look at that picture! Baaaaaaah!! :)

I fell asleep on the couch near the end of B's birthday celebration, and woke around 10pm. Got back to bed around 2am, and when I woke at 10am today, felt a little queasy but ok. Got a lot done -- made some business calls, laundry, organized the house, held Edie when she wasn't feeding or pooping, brought Rufus in to the vet, etc. Rufus has gotten a bit thin, but seems otherwise healthy. Vet thinks the turmoil of the baby has taken an emotional toll on the Ruf, but we have some urine and blood tests to come back to be conclusive.

AM SNACK: 9:45am, birthday cake, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

10:15am, toasted bagel with cream cheese, swig of gatorade, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 1:15pm, potato nik with mustard, kimchi, ice cream, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 7:30pm, curry puffs, shrimp and tofu pad thai, half a ginger ale, some gatorade, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

Sunday, June 14


Today is B's b-day! Above is the slide-show I assembled over the past couple of days, between cooking, snuggling with Edie, trying to keep things calm.

Woke at 7, churned cookies n' cream ice cream, made a yellow sheet cake using a buttermilk recipe that came out weird. Helped clean the house, a short stack of B's friends came over, along with her family, and a special guest appearance from the HVS. Edie got into her lap and slept like a peaceful lil' kitten.

BREAKFAST: 9:15am, cake, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Made 2 layers, but the cake was off. Nice and moist, but overcooked on the bottom and under risen -- I think my baking powder or baking sodas are dead. I tried to depan one, and it crumbled, which is for the best -- less icky cake for people to eat. Good thing the ice cream seems to have worked out...

LUNCH: 2pm, asparagus risotto, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 3pm, buttercream frosted cake, ice cream, half glass prosecco, almond cookie, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 10pm, homemade pasta with oil, butter, garlic, salt & white wine, gatorade, water, ice cream, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5