Friday, July 6


Took the train out to Montauk in the morning, dropping me off at 11:30am. A cool ocean breeze made the heat tolerable, and made it to Babylon at the sun started to set around 8pm. Funny how the idea of keeping track of my calories keeps me to large chains or prepackaged food, so I have an idea of what I'm taking in. I guess when I ride on weekends, I'll try to eat a bit more locally and naturally.

According to my new bike computer, I burned 2200, but according to an online bike calorie calculator, it was more than double that. Hmmm. If I include my daily 2,500 budget, I'm about 700 calories in deficit. Maybe on-line is including the calories I use just by living, and the bike just calculates the energy needed to propel the bike and my weight?

BREAKFAST: 6:30am, 4 mini pancakes, iced green tea, 325 cal

AM SNACK: 8:15am, large chocolate chip cookie, +/- 250 cal

BIKE SNACK: 11:15, granola, 855 cal

BIKE SNACK: 12:45, Gatorade, 130 cal

BIKE SNACK: 2pm, 6" veggie burger sub, potato chips, diet coke, 630 cal

BIKE SNACK: 3:45, Gatorade, 130 cal

BIKE SNACK: 5pm, 2 donuts, 590 cal

BIKE SNACK: 6:45pm,  twix candy bar, 250 cal

BIKE SNACK: 9:30pm, slice of pizza, +/- 200

DINNER: 11pm, pint of chocolate milk, roti canai, singapore rice noodles, water, +/- 1200

Thursday, July 5


Slept in and woke to a sleeping baby and an empty house. Nicely sore from yesterday's work out, particularly in my shoulders and chest -- my negative pull ups are becoming noticeably slower, which makes me think I might actually be able to do a pull up in my life time!
At the end of the day, I was surprised how close I came to my budget. I made a technical mistake by eating corn, rather than something like a string bean. Corn is considered a carb rather than a vegetable, and I think stuffing myself with Brussels or cabbage would've made me feel a lot less hungry in the evening. So I drank a quart of water and I was able to get to sleep at a good time, lesson learned.

AM SNACK: 9am, iced green tea, 25 cal

BREAKFAST: 9am, steel cut oatmeal, 400 cal

LUNCH: 1pm, sardine & avocado on whole wheat, momma salad, kimchi, 700 cal

DINNER: 6:15pm, grilled chicken breast, 2 ears boiled corn, kraft whole grain mac n' cheese, glass of beer, 8oz diet sprite, 1270 cal

Wednesday, July 4

4th o' July

B had the day off, Edles was home from summer camp. In the morning took Edie to the supermarket to do a full shop, right after delivering the groceries we two went to the public pool for an hour, so much fun. Cooked up in the afternoon, the fam went to a nice party in a garden in the early evening.

After hours and when every one was asleep, took  the big bike to Brooklyn to the HVS's pad and we rode bikes with a book case attached to me. For the record, every single time me and the HVS have rode across the city hauling furniture by bike, there has been fireworks.

Today's count is a bit of a guess, but I did have a noticeable pang of hunger as I was going to sleep, which was encouraging.


AM SNACK: 7:45am, iced green tea, 25 cal

BREAKFAST: 9:45am, kolon bloe with whole milk, 300 cal

PM SNACK: 12:45pm, watermelon, 130 cal

LUNCH: 1:30pm, homemade pizza, small scoop of cherry sorbet, diet sprite, +/- 900 cal
B had some good friends over who rarely make an appearance, so did the full court press with pizza. Brussel sprout/scallop/no cheese is a slammin' combination, sooo much better than that mess of a pie I got at Motorino. Too hands on to count calories, but limited myself to two tiny scoops of sorbet, though I felt like eating 4x more than that. When those desires go away some day, I'll know I've achieved something, though I accept they may never.

DINNER: 6pm, mystery meat hot dog, 3 jalapeno poppers, some tortilla chips and avocado & bean salsa, small cub of noodle kugel, 1 1/2 small berry cheesecake cupcakes, water, +/- 900 cal
At a really nice 4th of July party in a Greenthumb park in Alphabet City. Never had a "jalapeno popper" before -- a jalapeno stuffed with cream cheese, wrapped in bacon, grilled. Kinda gross, but I was hungry and it was the first thing out. Fortunately, there was no good beer available so I easily avoid 300 cal or so there. If I wasn't watching what I was eating, I easily would have eaten a 2nd hot dog and more desserts, but I left feeling satisfied but not full.

EVENING SNACK: 11pm, watermelon, 125 cal
I realize why watermelon is so satisfying: I can eat a very large, outsized wedge and only consume the calories of a dainty 1oz bag of chips.

Tuesday, July 3

Crappy Eating

Not a good eating day. Stayed with in calories, but ate for convenience at McD's then some frozen pizzas. Thought I was going to get a bike ride in in the evening, but again, felt tired from the kid thing. Biking is definitely a morning thing for me. Maybe the lack of energy is from eating the wrong foods...

Pizza dough: Did Jim Lehey's no-knead dough again, rising room temp over night. The 4 pizza batch has 1820 cal, or about 60 cal of dough per small 1/8 slice. My sauce is easily 20 cal or so a slice, so I imagine the load will be coming from toppings like cheese n' shiz...


AM SNACK: 7:30am, iced green tea, 25 cal

BREAKFAST: 9am, steel cut oatmeal, 400 cal

LUNCH: 12:45pm, quarter pounder with cheese, fries, diet coke, 890 cal

DINNER: 5:45pm, Stouffer's french bread pizzas, baby carrots, 8oz diet sprite, 900 cal

EVENING SNACK: 8:15pm, popcorn, 240 cal

Monday, July 2

Weights & Measures


This is how I used to express my month to month weight measures, looking at the trend over 1/4 of a year. It is much more informative, however, to look at the trends over 2 years....

Ah, OK then. Seems I dip in the summers, expand in the winters. This time last year I was actually 2.5 pounds lighter, but truth be told, I was under duress because of leaving the restaurant, and I literally was barely eating due to the big knot in my stomach. Not a healthy eating plan. Why the mountains and valleys? I think despite my big eating after bike rides, I still burn more than I take in, and the valleys kind of look like how much I get to do big bike rides.

Ate awfully. Or more precisely, bounced back to the old normal. Kinda needed it, like when you need a break from a hard job, but still, I look forward to getting back to the new way of eating. I kept the amounts under control, except Saturday night, when momma-in-law come over to help out, we ordered in Chinese, I finished up other left overs and had a triple portion of my cherry sorbet.
I measured myself  on Sunday, nice it's going down but feels less impressive in the context of the data. My goal, I suppose, to to make break the cycle and get close to the bottom of the graph and stay there.

I originally intended to do a 30 mile bike ride out to Coney after dinner, but had a wave of tiredness once I ate. I helped look after another 3 year old for a few hours after school, which was surprisingly exhausting, plus I lifted weights in the morning. Hopefully tomorrow...


Pancakes: Didn't get around to this over the weekend, so ripped off a batch. Light butter milk in addition to whole milk, doubled the eggs to six, and split the 24 oz of flour between half white and half whole wheat. Got 55 small pancakes out of the batch, for 75 cal each.

AM SNACK: 7:45am, iced green tea, 25 cal

BREAKFAST: 9:45am, fruit smoothie, 320 cal

LUNCH: 12:45pm, broiled cod, pancakes, baby carrots, 900 cal
Broiled in my caste iron grill pan. Forgot it's a bad idea to do fish in caste iron, unless you plan to use it for only fish. Had to smoke up the house to get the fish off.

DINNER: 6pm, whole wheat pasta with sauce & shrimp, slightly steamed string beans, watermelon, glass of nut brown beer, 890 cal
Huge pile of string beans, only 90 cal. Funny, haven't eaten string beans in years but I remember loving them as a kid because my dad loved them. He'd steam them in a steamer basket with thin slices of garlic, then dress them with a little melted butter and salt. Maybe I'll do that when I serve them to others, but for myself, just trimming, cleaning, putting in a plastic bag then zapping for 2 minutes gives it the right amount of 90% snap to 10% cooked. Don't need salt as long as I mix mouthfuls with other things on the plate, the slight carry over salt gives it all it needs. Wow, I'm really looking hard into my belly-button now...

EVENING SNACK: 7:45pm, glass of chocolate milk, 250 cal

EVENING SNACK: 10pm, 8oz diet sprite, 0 cal