Tuesday, July 3

Crappy Eating

Not a good eating day. Stayed with in calories, but ate for convenience at McD's then some frozen pizzas. Thought I was going to get a bike ride in in the evening, but again, felt tired from the kid thing. Biking is definitely a morning thing for me. Maybe the lack of energy is from eating the wrong foods...

Pizza dough: Did Jim Lehey's no-knead dough again, rising room temp over night. The 4 pizza batch has 1820 cal, or about 60 cal of dough per small 1/8 slice. My sauce is easily 20 cal or so a slice, so I imagine the load will be coming from toppings like cheese n' shiz...


AM SNACK: 7:30am, iced green tea, 25 cal

BREAKFAST: 9am, steel cut oatmeal, 400 cal

LUNCH: 12:45pm, quarter pounder with cheese, fries, diet coke, 890 cal

DINNER: 5:45pm, Stouffer's french bread pizzas, baby carrots, 8oz diet sprite, 900 cal

EVENING SNACK: 8:15pm, popcorn, 240 cal

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