Saturday, July 10

Almost all green...

Woke up too late to get in a ride before the rain hit, so I did chores -- laundry, a light shop, WD40 a door, try to add a rack to B's bike. I made green tea for the week. Tired of mint syrup, and last week it was a little too weak over all. I had blueberry syrup on hand, so I threw in a cup after steeping. Hmmm, iced blueberry green tea, hope it works. While Edie napped and B calmed down from her frenzied morning of rearranging then unrearranging furniture, I knocked out a batch of granola in advance of a visit from the HVS tomorrow...

Kinda skipped lunch by accident, due to getting Edie ready to get up and go out to visit the in laws and friends of B. We took care of some shopping shores on the bike ride to Chelsea, and when we got there, I was quite ravenous. My brother-in-law had a lot of diet sodas in his fridge, so I opted for a beer -- alcohol's flavor is so much more interesting than artificially flavored overly-sweet sodas. 

AM SNACK: 8:30am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 10am, organic wholegrain cheerios with good unhomogenized milk, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 1pm, watermelon, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5 

LINNER: 4:30pm, shrimp peanut curry with sticky rice, chicken satay, shrimp summer rolls, 1 beer, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 7pm, small bowl of granola, quart of water, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 9pm, large piece of friendship bread, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Desiring sweets, found this in the back of the fridge. Sweets once a week?! I don't know if that's a realistic goal. Maybe stay in the yellow for three times a week? Three is sure less than 8+...

Friday, July 9

Blueberry syrup stains like a mofo

An odd eating day. B went out in the morning to have some time to herself, and my eating just went sideways. Right before our monthly cleaning guy arrived, I decided to quickly make a mess and churn some ice cream. After packing it, I had a good few spoonfuls left that didn't need to go to waste so I acted as human garbage can.

Once Edles woke up, I needed to get out of there and we biked over to veg dim sum. I ordered 4 dishes, but left over about 1/2 of 2 of them -- I just wasn't hungry. In the afternoon, thirsty and desiring something sweet, I mixed my new blueberry syrup with carbonated water and was surprised how authentically soda-like it was. The lime gave it the acidy kick, the blueberry juice gave a nice purplish foam.

By dinner time, I was thinking of ordering something in, but realized I've been ordering in every night this past week. Not good. I ate some green salad and felt full, but not satisfied. Due to an unscheduled nap, I was up until all hours but restrained myself to (mostly) healthful snacks.

AM SNACK: 7:30am, iced green tea

AM SNACK: 10am, cookies n' cream ice cream, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: noon, vegetarian dim sum including mashed taro treasure boxes, mixed gluten, fried wontons and lotus lead sticky rice, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 3pm, glass of blueberry soda, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5

PM SNACK 5:30pm, cookies n' cream ice cream, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6:30pm, large green salad, 1 bowl, hunger 3/5

EVENING SNACK: 8pm, multigrain tortilla chips with salsa, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 10pm, multrigrain bread with hummus, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

Thursday, July 8

Cookin' with Edles

Edie napped through swim class, but when she woke, we hopped on the bike and made a full hour of a playdate drop in at the local community center. We ran a few chores, then in for the day on this hot day. I chopped green salad, made a chickpea dish for B (haven't toasted spices like this since c-school), cooked down some blueberry syrup with some intense blueberries from last week, then made a simple Cream Anglais custard to make cookies n' cream ice cream tomorrow with.

Funny, I feel like I've been lazy on the cooking -- lunch was a leftover, salad and a few ears of boiled corn, and dinner was ordered in. Yet, I did a lot of cookin'.  And Edie entertained herself in her high chair, and then at my feet. I can't wait until she wants to participate. Oh, the cooking we'll do!

BREAKFAST: 8:30am, wholewheat pancake, iced green tea, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 1pm, wonton soup, 2 ears corn, large green salad, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 4pm, multigrain tortilla chips & salsa, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6:30pm, chirashi sushi, gyoza, shumai, seaweed salad, oreo-style cookies, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

Wednesday, July 7

Ride in the Heat

I woke up feeling rested and well. C the Nanny came at 9, and I got out by 9:30. Starting next week, I'll be working a third day on Wednesday, but today...I rode.

I had to get out despite the heat. I went to Nyack and back, though my original plan was for an additional 20 miles. Due to 100 degree temps, I rode slow, stopped frequently for water and snacks, and generally just enjoyed the scenery and my head space. I got home around 6 and felt very out of it -- probably dehydration, despite going through a 70 oz bladder of water...3 times!

Picked myself up and went food shopping, didn't feel like moving but if I put it off, tomorrow would be very difficult with the other things I hope to get done...

BREAKFAST: 9am, banana, iced green tea, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: noon, pumpernickel bagel with butter and veg, Gatorade, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 2:30pm, chocolate muffin, Gatorade, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6:30pm, pork & broccoli with fried rice, egg roll, shrimp toast, water, bad vanilla ice cream, 2 bowl, hunger 4/5

Tuesday, July 6

Workworkworkwork pt 2

After Monday's holiday crush, most of the day at the restaurant was quiet and relaxed, interupted by the need to look after a few newbie staffers. The 100+ degree heat outside made the restaurant extra pleasant to be in (chillers on full blast at 70) and in the evening, all those not wanting to cook in the heat came out, and ordered delivery.

In the past month, I've been having issues getting to sleep after work. After the buzz of getting into the final homestretch, rushing to close up while still being accurate on a handful of things (accounting for the money, supervising the front of house, supervising the back of house, monitoring the last customers, etc etc) and getting home, the last thing my body wants to do is sleep. It wants to jump up and down and holler.

When I was kitchen manager, before Edie came into our lives, I remember with fondness going for bike rides with fellow employees after work. You start out around 11pm, do a loop around Manhattan, catch dinner at Veselka at 4:30am, go home and collapse. All is right. But with a baby (and a wifey who is crabby if she feels she is not getting the support she deserves with said baby), it's not really an option on a regular basis anymore. My lack of sleep and wired-ness has been really messing with the rest of the week. By the time my sleep is back to normal, it's time to do the two-a-week again. And this coming week it'll now be 3-a-week. Though I intended only to go back to work part time, this is now going to be 40 hours a week smooshed into 3 days.

The NY Times dining section ran an interesting article on the influence of chef culture on some of the more out-there casual food offering a few months ago. It got me thinking. Alcohol messes with my sleep. I've taken sleeping-drugs, usually when I'm sick, and while they work, usually the next night I'm sleepless. Now "herb", there is something. Weed has never made me fall asleep, but what if I was already tired?

Before 35, I was able to count the number of times I had been under the influence of "the other tobacco" on three fingers. I don't smoke anything, and the whole hippy culture is a huge turn off. In recent years, experiments in the kitchen have yielded some interesting results. Because I rarely indulge, I have a bit of a collection of 'special' baked goods in the freezer. As with anyone wary of "drugs", I had only indulged with people, pre-planned, to help make fun things more fun. Basically, the same way alcohol is treated.

But this is different than alcohol, as any legalization advocate will tell you. I decided to eat a piece of special shortbread (very mild) at the end of my shift and try to get to bed before 4am. Ate it at 11, got home around 12, helped B with a minor Edie poop-emergency involving changing sheets, ate a little dinner and was in bed asleep by 12:15.

I was woken around 7:30 by the ladies of the house up and about, and I felt...fine. Not under the influence. Clearheaded, well slept, ready. I was not going to even mention it on these pages if it didn't go well, but I think this experiment is worth replicating. It has the potential to greatly improve the quality of my life while working these hours.

BREAKFAST: 7am, toasted wholewheat bagel with creamcheese and sable, iced green tea, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 1pm, spinach salad, meatballs, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 5pm, seafood pizza, soda, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 11pm, special shortbread

EVENING MEAL: 12 midnight, 2 hamburgers, fries, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
No comment.

Monday, July 5


Restaurant was extremely busy on this Monday of a three day holiday weekend. I'd like to think because of my amazing managerial skills and fortitude that everything went without a hitch, but I lucked out with some top-rank coworkers who really showed me how it's done.

It was a 13 hour day that kind of passed by in a blink, featuring an appearance by B & Edie & Yomomma. Food was eaten here and there. I suspect tomorrow will be a different thing.

BREAKFAST: 7am, iced green tea, 1 wholewheat cinnamon pancake, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

WORK DAZE: 11am-11pm, 3 or so slices of pizza, 2 or 3 sodas, 1 beer, a couple snippets of bread, 1 bowl, hunger ?/5

EVENING WATERING: 1am, a quart

Sunday, July 4

July 4

On this July 4th Sunday, the original plan was to get out of the house around 4am on bike, but I didn't feel right when I woke, and due to the extreme heat I stayed in doors and on the couch. Extreme lazy eating. 

BREAKFAST: 5am, iced green tea, organic whole grain cheerios with organic dead milk, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: noon, Stouffer's French Bread pizzas, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 5pm, ice cream & cookies, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5