Saturday, May 19

Bridal Shower

Woke at 4:30am -- got to bed around 10, woke up once to feed Milli around midnight. Throat a little sore, worried it might become worse if I'm not careful. I woke up so early because I need to be up at 3:30 tomorrow to get out for a Montauk Century.

MAP came over in the afternoon, she decorated while I got the food together. Had about 20 people over, got a lot of compliments on the food. It was a good time, though definitely something I'd rather not do more than once or twice a decade, he he.

The Fearsome Family came home just as things were wrapping up, was nice to see Edles absorb all the attention from a stack of drunk ladies. I wound down quickly and got to bed around 8pm, thanks to the cooperation and efforts of my ever lovin' B.

AM SNACK: 4:45am, iced green tea, Vitamin C pill

BREAKFAST: 5:15am, 4 pancakes, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Outta the freezer, into my mouf.

AM SNACK: 10:45am, homemade granola bar, small piece of watermelon, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 12:15pm, 2 pocket pies, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Stopped in at the Hester St Fair, a table doing savory and sweet mini pie. Savories very much like cornish pasties. One was curry potato, other was a trippy beet/horseradish. Kinda inspirational for my knishing.

PM BRIDAL SHOWER SNACKS: 2-5pm, a few mini fried potato knishes, 2 lamb tziki sliders, a few mini cheesecakes, a shrimp summer roll, 2 glasses of cava, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6:30pm, cold fried mini knishes, some left over whole wheat pasta, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Got a bunch of carbs in for the ride I'll be powering through tomorrow.

Friday, May 18


Woke up at 6, helped B put the house back together, as she had friend's with kids over for dinner last night and they ran wild (in a good way.) Got Edie to school, and when I got home at 8:45, it was non-stop cooking and Mil-ing until around 2, where it was quick cleaning then out of the door to pick up Edie. Upon reflection, I'm surprised how much I got done -pats self on back-, I just hate being late, or just on time, for that matter.

Hosting a bridal shower for E tomorrow, no one I'm gonna serve trucked in food or sumtin'. On top of the mini cheese cakes I made earlier in the week, there is also...

Crudite & Baba Ganoush: Made a bunch of veg into sticks, made a simple baba with an eggplant. A sop to vegans, I suppose.

Shrimp Summer Rolls: Made these for Edie's first birthday a few years ago. Still had the rice skins and rice noodles in the cupboard. Boiled some shrimp, shocked it, wrapped it up with some red pepper, carrot, cucumber, green leaf lettuce and mint. Made a peanut dipping sauce with peanut butter, brown sugar, rice wine, miso, soy sauce and fresh ginger.

Chicken Liver Deviled Eggs: Hard boiled a dozen eggs. Cooked off a half pound of chicken livers, then caramelized onions in the rendered fat, deglazed with white wine, finished with cream and lemon juice. Blended the sauce, onion and liver with the yellows. Will pipe the mix into the whites before service tomorrow.

Lamb Slider (prep): Ground a half pound of fat back with a pound of lamb. Mixed with fresh garlic, salt, pepper. Made a simple tziki sauce with the good yogurt, fresh garlic, minced cucumber, olive oil, salt and lemon juice. Will fry off the meat patties right before people are here, put on an open faced brioche base, top with a dollop of sauce.

Fried Cocktail Knishes (prep): Made a single batch of dough, boiled up 5 lbs of potatoes, came out with about 30 pieces, though if I was more efficient about it, probably could of pushed 40 out of the batch. Will deep fry them tomorrow as people show up

AM SNACK: 6:30am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 7:45am, toasted onion bagel with cream cheese, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

AM NIBBLE: 11am, summer roll

AM SNACK: 11:30am, 7oz ginger ale

LUNCH: 1pm, momma salad, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 2pm, wedge of cheesecake, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Needed the space in the fridge, he he.

PM SNACK: 4:30pm, watermelon, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Oddly enough, Edie asked to go to the supermarket and get watermelon after class, totally unprovoked. I doubt she remembers gorging on watermelon last summer, that was 1/3 of her life ago. Watermelon itself was kinda phneh, to early in the season.

DINNER: 6:15pm, whole wheat pasta with homemade sauce and school made meatballs, roasted brussel sprouts, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 9pm, 3.5 oz of ginger ale

Thursday, May 17

That Bubble

Got it locked down in the morning: cooking, laundry, weights, lesson plans, Milli-care. Taught in the afternoon, the student whose mom died yesterday wandered through while I was setting up. I told him I heard, and I was sorry, but he didn't want to talk about it, we chatted about food for 10 minutes before I had to start and he had to split. I guess the relief from the immense mourning he must be feeling right now was something I could provide for him. I remember being in that bubble, it's a shitty place to be, the kind of place that makes you feel glad you only have 2 parents to lose. Eesh.

Tomato Sauce: Ran out a week ago, found 2 or 3 times that I was craving it. So I got it on early in the AM to be ready for lunch. 2 diced onions to soft, added three grated carrots, cooked for another 5. Added fresh oregano and thyme, gave another 3 minutes. Added 5 mashed cloves of garlic and a cup of horrible super-sweet kosher "Cream Niagara" which was given to us over Purim. Cooked off the wine, added four milled cans of whole tomato. Brought to simmer, added a chopped bunch of basil, and 3 parm and romano rinds. After an hour of simmering, looked nice and thick, took out the remnants of the rinds and salted to taste.

AM SNACK: 6:45am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 9:15am, hardcore oatmeal, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: noon, whole wheat spag with fresh sauce, 3 school made meatballs and small momma salad, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 1pm, large piece of homemade cheesecake, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Should of had smaller or skipped it, but from when I woke up from 6:30am, been zooming from cooking sauce, doing laundry, lifting weights, making catering menus & class lessons AND looking after Milli. Oddly enough, ate this while watching the HBO doc, "Weight of the Nation". Eesh.

SCHOOL SNACK: 6pm, a little flank steak, a little sauteed spinach, some mac n' cheese, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 9:30pm, bag of Milano cookies, 1.25 bowl, huger 4/5
Double eesh. Needed comfort.

Wednesday, May 16

Mom flashes before my eyes.

One of my student's mom has been very sick for the duration of the semester, stomach cancer. He was out last week, and popped up again today. He was in early, so I got him to work caramelizing onions for the knishes, and chatted while I set up the kitchen. After some chit chat about food, I asked him how his mom was doing, and he said that was why he wasn't here last week, that it's not going well. I spoke to him a little about how it was when my mom was with cancer, and that it's not easy for anyone, whether your 17 like him or in my mid 30s when it happened to me.

Alas, while the class was starting, his advisor came in and and whispered something to him, he went blank in a shocked-look kind of way, and was escorted out. I only know this kid by the 3-4 hours a week we've been spending together for the last few months, but in that moment the whole memory of finding out my mom died flashed before my eyes. Very hard to compartmentalize as I'm trying to do a concise 2-minute lecture on the human history of the dumpling.

AM SNACK: 7:45am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 9:15am, smoothie, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Made a double batch to make little frozen pops for Edles. She has been going cah-razy for "purple ice cream" lately, so much so that she eats two in the morning then wants more at night, though we do not allow her sugary things in the eve. Make me happy, as it's not THAT sweet, and there is a fair amount of nutrition, fiber, water, vitamins and good stuff to go with that slight sugar dose she's getting.

LUNCH: noon, PB&J on sourdough, momma salad, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

SCHOOL SNACK: 6:30pm, beef empanadas, Jamaican festival dumplings, shrimp shumai, potato knishes, sprite, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Fun Dumpling class at school, food came out good, fun teaching knishes.

EVENING SNACK: 9pm, homemade cheesecake, leftover lomain, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

Tuesday, May 15

Salty Soup to be served with....Saltines?!

Up a little after 5, B had to go to the doc (everything is fine, just a regular thing) and it hit me harder than I expected -- cancelled plans, stayed in doors and hung on to my focus -- got some cooking done, and watched after Milli, but I found myself paralyzed by a hazy feeling and feeling run down. Unsurprisingly, a cold sore chose to pop up on my lower lip. Lazily ordered in dinner, but it was nice to sit down with the fam, and I put myself in bed around 8:30.

Saw a reference to this article somewhere yesterday, a mathematical equation designed to answer how many calories need to be reduced to lose weight. In a nutshell, 100 cal less a day will result in 10 lbs lost in THREE YEARS. Assuming no cheating, a constant 100 cal less. There are a lot of buts (no pun! no pun!), as heavier people will have a harder/longer time reaching a new stasis than lighter people. It's interesting, and kinda says what some of us already know through osmosis -- if your fat, it's hard to lose it, and even harder to keep it off. Unlike all the products that promise perfect, fast results for a fee, this feels like the truth -- real results will be a LONG time in coming, with a LOT of struggle. I feel like I've shifted my diet to a certain extent in the last 5 months, but this tells me I shouldn't be discouraged by my total lack of weight loss -- it's a multi-year, cumulative thing.

Mini cheesecakes: Sweets always hold the best, so this is the first thing I'm making for E's bridal shower, which I am hosting in house. Most of the cooking will happen Friday, and that-which-must-be-freshest on Saturday, as the gathering starts at 2pm. My first attempt, I burned all the graham crusts and had to start over -- a full size might take 10 minutes, but a mini needs no more than a minute. Adjusted all cooking times downwards on the fly, hopefully they'll turn out -- I won't know until I have them chilled. Also making a 6" cheesecake with the overage...

AM SNACK: 5:45am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 6:30am, pumpernickel bagel with cream cheese, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

AM SNACK: 9:30am, spoonfuls of cheesecake batter

AM SNACK: 10:30am, cheese knish, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:45pm, chicken soup with pastina and TVP, 7oz ginger ale, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Betsy brought home a quart of clear chicken soup, so I heated it with some tiny pasta shapes and a handful of dried textured vegetable protein. I put in some water, too, and it was STILL too salty. Damn, who would eat this with a saltine cracker?

DINNER: 6pm, shrimp & broc, pork fried rice, egg roll, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 8pm, almonds & chocolate chips, water, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

Monday, May 14

Laundry & Knishing

Tried to watch TV last night, but fell asleep during Louis C.K.'s special -- either he's not as funny as I remember, or I was ass-tired. After riding to Poughkeepsie on Saturday, I woke up at 6 to cover the baby and make pancakes, and it caught up with me last night. Slept from 9:30 to 7, as good as it gets when you have 2 kids under the age of 3!

Lifted weights, though still felt some after-effects from Saturday's ride. Got some knishing in, on top of doing laundry and the usual Monday chores.

Knishes: Spent the morning, while the bebe slept, cooking off the last of the raw ingredients from the last big cook session, plus two loaves of cheese knishes, which may be going up for sale soon too.

AM SNACK: 7:45am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 9:30am, hardcore oatmeal, banana, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Used just a heavy pinch of salt, maybe 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon. Now bordering on bland. Hmmmm.

LUNCH: noon, broc cheddar knish, spoonfuls of chocolate cheese filling and vanilla cheese filling, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Didn't particularly want a broc ched knish, but I needed to eat it to make sure it tasted right.

PM SNACK: 2pm, momma salad, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 2:45pm, chorizo empanada, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6:30pm, Stouffers French bread pizzas, 15 oz ginger ale, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 8:30pm, multigrain tortilla chips with horrible salsa, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Had to throw away the jarred salsa, just too nasty to eat.

Sunday, May 13

Bike Hangover

Up at 6 to a pushy baby, took care of him while making pancakes and cleaning up the kitchen -- it's mother's day, so that was the least I could do, allowing B an extra hour of sleep. I was contemplating breakfast in bed for her, but she was up before I was finished cooking off the pancakes -- oh well, next year I'll enlist Edie as my server-monkey and have HER deliver a breakfast in bed!

I don't drink much, and when I do it's usual a drink (singular), so I don't have much cause to complain about how my hangovers are getting worse as I get older. However, I blew myself out in the best way possible yesterday riding my bike to Poughkeepsie. I lost focus (the beginning stage of bonking) close to the end which got me lost and added an addition 7-8 miles. I woke up this morning with the equivalent of a cyclist's hangover -- ached all over, certain joints worse than others, hungry and dehydrated despite having plenty of food and water last night. The main difference is my head -- mind clear, feeling optimistic, body aching in a way that it'll be a little stronger when it recovers.

Hair of the dog: road up to the UES with Edie on the big bike to grandma's house to celebrate mother's day with family. Funny, made a big cheesecake for Mother's Day but it remains at rest in my mother-in-law's freezer, as we never went back to gorge on it. Oh when shall this cheesecake pop up in our lives again?

DJ came over at the last minute for dinner last night, he's visiting briefly from California, we ordered in and had a good time with Edles...

Pancakes: Only had some milk, but a lot of other dairy on hand, so I filled it out with heavy cream and sour cream. The acids of the sour cream reacted with the baking soda and baking powder to make a very leavened pancake, almost a cross between pancake and biscuit -- though moist and tender, not dry and crumbly like a biscuit or scone.

AM SNACK: 6:45am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 8am, 3 pancakes, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:15pm, gyro on pita, fries, Greek salad, diet coke, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 1:15pm, ice cream cone, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6:30pm, pad thai, fried tofu, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 8pm, pint of chocolate ice cream, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Funny, I got a brand that's made locally, but it was surprisingly not that great. It was better than a Ben & Jerries because it didn't have that cloying sweetness or artificial aftertaste produced by stabilizers, BUT it was a very weak flavor compared to what I make at home.