Thursday, April 15

Happy happy joy joy!

Edie & I attended a baby swim class at a local indoor pool, one that I did not know about that is literally a 5 minute walk away from our door, but hidden in the depth of public housing. Surprisingly well maintained, clean, and almost entirely run and used by Asian peeps. Odd. I had a moment of concern, but literally 5 seconds after Edie hit the water, she was all smiles and happy happy joy joy!

AM SNACK: 8am, iced mint green tea

BREAKFAST: 8:30am, wholewheat buttermilk waffle, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 11:15am, grilled cheese on demi hippy bread, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Haven't made grilled cheese in a while, not a light dish but definitely makes life taste good. good raw milk cheese, hearty whole grain bread.

PM SNACKING: 4-6:30pm, bits of pizza and pizza ingredients, a couple of juice drinks, a can of seltzer, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Made pizza with the class, we served about 50 people. Funny, as we did this class it kinda reminded me just how deep my knowledge of the pizza making process is compared to someone who knows nothing. When the kid's pizza started sticking to their boards when trying to get the pies in the oven, I would pick up an edge and blow, making a little air wave under the raw pie. They thought that was cool. Now that I think about it, yeah, that is kinda cool!

DINNER: 7:30pm, small portion of lasagna and half a meatball, soda, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Not my choice, this is a new menu item at the restaurant I needed to try, to write a menu description...

EVENING SNACK: 9:30pm, multigrain tortilla chips with salsa, a little homemade granola, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

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