Thursday, October 18

Experiments in Decadence with Gelato

Wedding pics are up!

7:30am, organic crispex with good milk, hunger 3/5

AM WATERING: 9am, 24 oz still water

LUNCH: 1:15pm, peanut butter on superhippy bread, baby organic carrots, hummus, whole wheat saltless pretzels, hunger 4/5
Packed it into my borg cube, had to eat at desk. Got a bunch of compliments on the cube. Almost forgot to pack lunch this morning, but feels good to sticking to 2 home lunches a week, especially with how much I've been eating out this week (and it looks like dinner is out tonight and tomorrow!) Gotta hit up the farmer's market HARD on Saturday...

LUNCH #2: 3pm, falafel sandwich on whole wheat, hunger 4/5
First lunch wasn't enough, don't want to be starving for yoga. Not feeling meat today.

DINNER: 8pm, homemade pancakes and cinnamon gelato, hunger 4/5
After yoga, wanted to just go home and chill, not much to eat at home. Felt in the mood for pancakes, though it seemed kinda boring. I don't like sweets with my pancakes, particularly syrup. Only desert in house is cinnamon gelato, kinda boring too.

Thinking of throwing in cinnamon into my pancake batter just to do something different. Thinking of waffles and chicken, maybe some non-bacon meat with the pancakes? Got nothing. Waffles n' ice cream, always good, but no waffles.....DUH! Rather than have pancakes then gelato and be bored, be totally decadent and have pancakes WITH gelato!! It was SOOO good, sopping up the melted cinnamony gelato with the fresh, crisp pancake. It was the same stuff I was going to eat, but eating it together just made it seem so....decadent.

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