The week away was nice in the North Fork. Edie was a pleasure, she really seemed to not mind all the fuss and bother of travelling -- stuffing into a car for 3 hours at a time, a new and strange room, less than ideal diaper change times, a momma's boob in all sorts of new and wonderful public spaces! Got some good riding in, maybe 125 miles over 2 days.
Ate a spectacularly bad slice of pizza in East Hampton -- you'd think they'd have some snooty uppercrusty pizza there. Our hotel had a surprisingly good James Beard-awarded restaurant attached to it, had a nice dish of Asian-style mussels there. Had a nice fresh lobster roll after the main ride of the weekend.
Felt a bit heavy and out of shape on the bike. Time to rededicate myself to paying attention to what I eat, and what I cook. Thought a lot about what is going to happen when Betsy goes back to work, and I become the main care provider for Edles during the week during the day. It was a lot to chew on, but feel good about things. The cogs are turning.
BREAKFAST: 8:30am, organic cheerios with good milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
PM SNACK: 12:30pm, several mouthfuls of Israeli Salad
W0rking up the components for tonight's falafel dinner. Simple recipe from here, needs to sit a few hours to come together. Unlike that silly recipe, I just winged the components by amount. Tomatoes ripe, in season and tasty.
LUNCH: 1:30pm, 2 slices, grape soda, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Out for a walk with B&E, I decided to try 2 different slice joints that have opened up in the vicinity in the last year. The first, on Rivington off Clinton (names, simply, "Pizza") looked like a place that just needs a coating of age and grime to be a typical slice joint, but the pizza was surprisingly good -- a nice snap on the bottom, a thin layer of chew on top, and a nicely thing layer of moz, oregano-tinged sauce. Cheese tasted a little cheap, but over all a very good showing. Then I walked past Solo Pizza on Ave B below 3rd. Impressed by the nice design, good selection of good bev, nice wrap-around counter. They had the ultimate soda to eat with pizza - Boylan's Grape. The slice, unfortunately, was over cheesed and the sauce underseasoned. Oh well. I noticed the guy behind the counter was also the guy on the Food Protection cert on the wall -- the owner/operator? Solo operation? Hmmm. I could work there, but right now I'm I bit burned out on questionable pizza owner operators....
PM SNACK: 6:30pm, several spoonfuls of yogurt sauce
16oz container of the good yogurt, about 4 ounces of sesame tahini, juice of half a lemon, a generous dash of salt. Funny, I eat this stuff for breakfast all the time and jazzing it up this way instead of with honey and vanilla, it's a whole different foodstuff. It's the same thing, but one rich and sweet, the other rich and savory.
DINNER: 7:15pm, falafel balls with yogurt sauce, Israeli salad, whole wheat pita, several glasses Lambrusco, vegan chocolate hazelnut ice cream, 1.75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Oy. I followed the falafel recipe from c-school, and as I was putting it togeher, I remembered there were issues of it, but could not remember how we fixed it. Well, I made an attempt, but it came out wrong. It came out hollow and mushy in the middle, crisp and thin on the outside. Flavor was about right, but too much moisture in the batter, too much flour to chickpea pulp. Hmmm.
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