Tuesday, February 2

It's nuts

Woke up after 12 hours sleep to a cranky wife and a happy baby. Fneh. Just barely squeaked by on the challenge. Can't take my day off until Sunday, when I'm travelling and it'll be very inconvenient to aim for three cups of nutritionally relevant vegetable matter....

BREAKFAST: 8:15am, toasted sesame bagel with cream cheese, diet Gatorade, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
I read that Gatorade was abandoning corn-syrup in favor of cane sugar due to public pressure, so when I was in the supermarket I was curious to pick some up, but instead found their new "G2" low-calorie brand. When I was cycling, I quite enjoyed this stuff, but for all intents and purposes it's soda, and a very easy way to take in way too many calories. This new product still has sugar as it's main sweetener, but low on it's ingredients list it also has an artificial sweetener. It has 2/5 the calories of the normal stuff, and to my palate I couldn't taste a difference, which surprised me.

A low-calorie sports drink, it's nuts. But it'll get me through until me n' Edie can get on a bike.

AM SNACK: 10:45am, pop chips, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:30, lentil & red bean curry over yesterday's rice and chard n' onions, diet gatorade, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
I had this sachet of shelf-stable lentil curry from Trader Joes that I thought might be a nice change up from fish sticks. The "curry" kinda tasted like the tomato sauce that comes in a can of Spagetti-o's and really clashed with the vinegary goodness of the rice. So after eating about 1/3 of it, I did the rare thing of tossing the rest out -- the bad curry just ruined the rest of the food.

PM SNACK: 2:15pm, 3 chocolate meringue cookies, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Good cookies from the playgroup leader.

PM SNACK: 6pm, momma style salad, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 9pm, roti canai, singapore chow mei fun, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Ordered in from a Malaysian place, the noodles were nothing like I ever had from a Chinese take out.

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