Sunday, December 23

Sunday Slips Away Quickly

Had a good time last night, but between getting to bed at 1am and drinking a little too much, it was a struggle to wake up after 10 hours, shooting my chances at yoga in the foot. Well, it's the holidays. Thinking of holidays past, I'm grateful for not being depressed right now. More on that later.

BREAKFAST: 11:15am, organic chex with homogenized organic milk, hunger 3/5

LUNCH: 1:15pm, 8 mixed boiled perogies, water, hunger 3/5
Little Poland on 2nd Ave and 12th has the greatest perogies. 8 pieces, and 7 different kinds! Potato, sweet potato, cheese, meat, kasha, kraut, spinach. True soul food.

DINNER: 6:30, bread & butter, wild mushrooms in a puff pastry, hanger steak with frites, chocolate mouse and a little chocolate souffle, 1/2 glass of wine, water, hunger 4/5
Dinner at Les Halles with the Israelis and co.

EVENING SNACK: 2am, handful of tortilla chips, hunger 3/5
Could not sleep.

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