Tuesday, December 2

The Flavor of Dentistry

I had a permanent post and a temporary crown placed in mouth today. Between the molds taken of the tooth, local anesthetic, injected anesthetic, drilled and burning tooth matter, shavings of temporary enamel and the dentist's rubbery fingers, the flavor in my mouth was overwhelmingly nasty. And the mouthwash I got to rinse with wasn't so hot, either.

The day was spent mostly recovering and running around and about. Dinner was with B and 6 of some of my best friends and their significant others, a gathering for no particular reason other than we haven't seen each other in too long. We went to one of the non-gross Indian joints on 6th Street, but I can't help but think how much more fun and cheaper it would have been if I just invited everyone over and cooked up something interesting. But I think B appreciated not having a crowd of eaters in her living space for once!

BREAKFAST: 10am, good yogurt with honey, vanilla and raw cashews, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
I've missed the good yogurt. I wish salad was in season.

PM SNACK: 1pm, half pint of organic B&J's vanilla ice cream, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Not allowed to eat anything for an hour after the dentist, and felt it wasn't wise to eat anything too solid.

LUNCH: 4pm, pork lomein, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Hungry, needed something cheap and on the fly. Not the most ideal food before seeing Ilsa.

DINNER: 8pm, onion bahji, vegetable pakora, shrimp jalfrezi with jasmine rice, 1 beer, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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