Sunday, March 8

Wobbly Day

Too much going on, felt ill all day after oversleeping, probably too much pizza and too little sleep. Better too much pizza than too much crank or booze, huh?

BREAKFAST: 9:15am, large handful of apple cinnamon mini muffins, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Notes on the 3rd week in a row of making these minis: Closer. I've got the cooking method and time down -- 375 for 15 minutes, let finish cooking in pan for about 5-10 minutes after leaving the oven. And premix all liquids with shredded apple before gently folding into the dry minimally. I let some small pockets of dry mix go, they got absorbed in the cooking, and came out nice and soft and tender.

Need to reduce the salt from 1 teaspoon to maybe 3/4 teaspoon. Up the cinnamon for 1 teaspoon to 2 teaspoon. More vanilla from 2 beans to 4 beans. Instead of sprinkling brown sugar on top, maybe a brown sugar glaze?

PM SNACK: 4:30pm, hammentashen, .25 bowl, hunger 2/5
A religious organization left little purim kits on everyone's doors, and I was just coming out of a couch-driven haze...

DINNER: 7pm, pasta a la Noah, Gatorade, 2 bowl, hunger 4/5
Hunger comes back. Boiled some pasta, made an odd pan sauce with everything in the fridge: chicken stock, white wine, heavy cream, olive oil, butter, garlic, chives, Worcester sauce, a random firm cheese from the farmer's market, grape tomatoes, salt. Good but unfocused.

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