Thursday, October 8

Vibrant and happy squash

A good day, though tired from the lack of sleep brought on by a late night pint of ice cream. Spent the morning making soup, then took a walk in the 'hood with Edles, which included laying down on a picnic table by the river with her strapped to my belly in sleep mode. Saw D&E in the evening for a movie.

BREAKFAST: 9am, organic cheerios with dead organic milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:30pm, large green salad, fresh butternut squash soup, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Oh my, sometimes something comes out better than expected. Took a small early-season butternut squash, fabricated it, put some drops of molasses and salt on it and roasted for 30 minutes. While cooking, sauteed onion, celery and carrot in olive oil, added garlic at end then covered in chicken stock and brought to simmer. Everything in the blender, then started playing with cinnamon, chili powder, curry powder and salt. Added a cup of heavy cream, retasted for seasoning. Wow! A very flavorful heat, though not too spicy. Squash tastes vibrant and happy.

PM SNACK: 3:30pm, slice of streetza, piece of chocolate ruggelah, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6:30pm, pasta with homemade sauce and spinach mixture, a large piece of chocolate ruggelah, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Had to finish the spinach before it went bad, ech. Tasted great. Betsy was devouring a good half loaf of rugellah when she came into the living room where I was eating and commanded me to hide the last of it. So I hid it....IN MAH MOUF!!

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