Monday, November 28

Good intentions turn to cheese cake

Ate extremely poorly today, due to the chaos of figuring out the 2-kid thing, running out of salad and fresh veg at home, the building lack of exercise and lack of sleep. I originally intended to go out biking today due to good weather but just felt to run down and fuzzy after dropping Edie at school. Didn't eat much, but when the 4 of us were out on the town, had a meal of greasy pizza with a fig leaf of salad on it. Intended to have a good dinner, but between a lack of fresh produce and a cheesecake from a friend showing up, that was derailed. I was up late with stomach issues....

Soon, I must get back on the weight lifting thing, and fill the fridge with some fruit and veg...

AM SNACK: 7:30am, iced green tea, small handful of chocolate covered espresso beans

PM SNACK: 2pm, potato chips, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 3:30pm, 2 slices of pizza, green salad, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 7pm, cheesecake, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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