Wednesday, November 14

Dessert-Fast, Day 3 (Or: An Apple a Day Keeps the Sugar Lust at Bay)

Brought an apple and the remainder of raw edamer for a snack, though it's not officially a bring-your-lunch-to-work day, it's just too yummy. The refined sugar fast is going fine, though I think of the white bread bun I ate with my burger last night - isn't refined flour very close to refined sugar? I guess I really shouldn't over think these conundrums until after this fast and see what I'm feeling.

Tonight I'm having dinner with Yana, and we traditionally very much appreciate desserts when we're together. I guess the social part of this fast will be the least comfortable...

BREAKFAST: 7:15am, good yogurt with raw cashews, vanilla and dash of local honey, hunger 3/5
Felt good this morning. Sometimes I feel icky after eating a burger the night before. I think my GI tract is just stronger and healthier.

AM SNACK: 9:15am, banana, hunger 3/5
Almost forgot. Not desiring fruit or sugar, but like with a long bike ride, preventative measures go a hell of a long way.

AM WATERING: 9:45am, 24 oz still

BP 10:30am: 125/83
Boo ya!!

LUNCH: 1:15pm, Ethiopian vegetarian combo + one small beef sambosa, hunger 4/5
Rode bike over to Meskerem on 47h, really good. Never had their version of a samosa, was really good n' small. Third day in a row I've desired chopped beef. Huh. I wonder if that means something.

PM WATERING: 2:30pm, 24 oz still

PM SNACK: 5pm, apple & edamer, hunger 3.5/5
Was I hungry? Was I craving sugar? Not sure, but this resolved it. Apple was a bit mushier than I like, but the cheese helped me through it.

DINNER: 7:30pm, plate o' sushi, shrimp tempura appetizer, water, herbal tea, hunger 4/5
Hung out at Yana's house, no desert on offer, thankfully.

EVENING SNACK: 11pm, half a bag of veggie booty, hunger 4/5
Just hungry. A small amount of chocolate or a cookie would quiet me, but thinking about it, not really craving sugar, just something to munch on and take the edge off. The veggie booty is mostly empty-ish carb calories, but no sugar. First time it really tasted salty to me, and indeed I ate around 500mg of salt. Eesh.

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