Wednesday, December 5

Bolweevils of the Soul

Funny how less than a week ago I was pretty content in how my professional life was going, and now I'm weighing the advantages of leaving before I find another job, once the corporate bureaucracy allows me to negotiate for myself. It's really starting to effect my appetite, I just hope I don't get discouraged then binge when the hunger jumps up and bites me on the ass.

I am thankful that the depression I'm experiencing has a very definable outside stimulus and is not some free floating angst that makes me want to write bad poetry, like...
Oh, such a dark and evil day,
What do I have to do to say,
The corporate headmasters are evil,
I liken them to bolweevils,
Of the soul.
BREAKFAST: 8:30am, good yogurt with honey, vanilla and raw nuts, hunger 2/5

AM WATERING: 9:30am, 24 oz still

BP: 9:45am, 126/88

PM SNACK: 1:45pm, a few bites of curry tofu & rice, hunger 4 to 2/5
Has not aged well in the fridge, too spicy, almost bitter. Appetite was there, but then left me. Have an interesting meeting in a few minutes.

PM SNACK: 4:15pm, the insides of a falafel sandwich, hunger 4/5
Hungry, but not hungry. Didn't find the wholewheat pita appetizing, though there was nothing wrong with .

Meeting went well. Negotiated enough to stay here through January and not feel stupid, though we'll see how it goes in January.

DINNER: 7pm, a little more than half of a Margherita DOC for Isabella's Oven, baby carrots and homemade hummus, hunger 4/5
Paid extra attention to this pizza, as haven't had a fancy restaurant pie in a wild. The the crust was better than the stuff I get at wholefoods, nicely textured and chewy, a little limp but that's probably from steaming in a cardboard box for 10 minutes. The little pools of bufala moz was great, just the right minimal amount but the sauce was unattractively tangy - my sauce on the fly is much better.

EVENING SNACK: 10:15pm, 1 saltless whole wheat pretzel with good peanut butter, hunger 3/5
Felt restless after the day's events.

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