Saturday, January 26

Gettin' Ill, and Rufus is still a chick.

Was gonna hit up the farmer's market, but a lolling feeling of lethargy kept me pinned to the couch most of the day. Forced myself out to a movie with a friend, and felt a lot worse after, physically.

AM DRUGGING: 7am, dirtpill, 500mg Vitamin C, 2 tylenol
Felt crappy, cough in throat, headache. B took my temp but it's normal. Slept well, went to bed at 11ish.

BREAKFAST: 7:15am, organic whole grain chex with good milk, hunger 3/5

AM WATERING: 10am, 1 pint of water
Felt hungry, but suspected it might be thirst - it wasn't.

AM SNACK: 10:45am, 1 piece of superhippy bread with good peanut butter, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:30, 1 baked potato (with stir fried shrimp, broccoli, mushroom, onion), small block of good chocolate, pint of water
Just kinda winged it with sesame oil, tamari, sesame seeds, Worcestershire, a dash of sugar, cornstarch. Came out weird and crude but interesting. Made 2 potatoes but only ate one - it was really enough. I know when I start focusing on weight loss, I think the main focus will be on portion control. Maybe I should take pics of every meal so internet peeps can judge if I'm eating too much?

PM DRUGGING: 6:45pm, 2 tylenol
Feel run down, light headed, throat is still itchy, hungry and nauseous at the same time. Just saw 'Cloverfield', which is NOT the movie to see if you're feeling woozy! Gonna take a bath and try not to be cranky...

PM SNACK: 7pm, 1 wholewheat saltless pretzel, hunger 4/5
Helped settle my stomach

DINNER: 7:45pm, Ethiopian vegetarian platter, pint water, hunger 4/5
Ethiopian delivers! That's why NYC is a great place sometimes.

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