Saturday, December 27

A Weekend In

Weird, eating-wise I was repulsed by cooking this weekend, attracted only to carb-heavy non-vegetable matter. Hmmm.

On Saturday, B wasn't feeling well, coughy, so we stayed in all day. We made some progress in the nursery. Didn't feel like cooking, just felt like eating unhealthy food, a goal I succeeded at pretty easily. Feeling bleah because the big adventure out of town Sunday got cancelled for reasons beyond out control, thoughts of a romantical trip to New Haven to Pepes instead.

Unfortunately, they remained only thoughts. I was hoping to wake at 8 to make a 10am train, slept through until ten. When I rose, I thought I should have let the alarm get me up, but it seems B was awake since 5am, and was ready to go back to sleep. Tag-team sleeping! I vegetated in front of the boob tube and B didn't move again until near 4 in the afternoon. I watched the most horrible DVD, Guy Ritchie's "Revolver" -- I even watched all the featurettes and bonus material just to try to get a handle on why he thought this crap was actually good. Still not sure why.

10:30am, half pint of B&J's cookies and cream ice cream, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Woke me up like a cup of coffee or diet coke.

BREAKFAST: noon, banana, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Was going to pour a bowl of cereal, but the good milk turned into bad milk. The problem with the good milk is that due to it's lack of homogenization and minimal pasteurization, it tastes fantastic but it never stays fresh for more than a week or so.

LUNCH: 3:15pm, chirashi sushi, veg & shrimp tempura, oshinko, water, 2 bowl, hunger 4/5
Ordered in.

PM SNACK: 6pm, potato chips, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 8:45pm, oven baked steak fries with salsa, mint chip ice cream, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
I haven't had frozen fries in a while, they are pretty....gross. The instructions say to either bake or deep fry them, but to deep fry them is, well, a pain in the butt. But baking them results in something that is not a 'fry', but kind of like slices of baked potato with a weird slightly oily skin.

10:45am, organic chex with industrial whole milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Weird how conventional whole milk has a slight bluish tinge...supposedly there is no blue food in nature, only purple.

PM SNACK: noon, mint chip ice cream, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 4pm, handful of raw cashews, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 5:15pm, half a small pizza, spaghetti and meatballs, a few pieces of bread, water, 2 bowl, hunger 4/5
B wanted pasta after waking, so we ordered in pastas. What the B (and B-ette within) wants, the B gets!

EVENING SNACK: 10:30pm, half a whole wheat bagel, hummus, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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