Wednesday, February 25

Tired But Good

Long day, but it passed in a hot moment. Woke up at an ungodly hour to make a 4:30am trip for a tour of the Hunt's Point fish market with the school, then home and off to the restaurant under the bridge by 11am for pizza training and hanging out. Working on a graphics package for the shop, but not enough time to make real head way. Had to go to a drinks thing to send off my nutritionist, who is ditching NYC to go get an organic farm up and running all the way over in the wilds of Massachusetts, then to an opening of a design store in Soho which a close friend is managing. I'm so tired, but good.

BREAKFAST: 3:45am, organic cheerios with good milk, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5

AM SNACK: 7:30am, large muffin, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

AM SNACK: 10am, whole wheat unsalted pretzel, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 3:15pm, 2 slices pizza, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 4:45pm, shot of Manhattan Special, half glass of white wine, 3 shots of various natural sodas, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5
Tasting various stuff we may serve in the shop.

PM DRINK: 6pm, glass of shiraz, .25 bowl, hunger 3/5
At Ilsa's good-bye party, we'll miss hah.

DINNER: 7:45pm, shrimp burritto, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 9pm, caramel ice cream. water, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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