Saturday, June 20

Burger King sucks.

Check out all the ladies all over my house! Rufasina is slowly getting used to Birdie, and has begun snuggling on people while they hold the bebe, it's pretty cool.

Was going to ride this morning, but weather and bebes and family had other plans for me. Was nice getting out to the market and shoppin' for groceries.

BREAKFAST: 8:30am, organic cheerios with organic dead milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:30pm, Whopper Jr. w/o cheese, small fries, a few sips of diet coke, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Stressed by life, wanted to eat fast, simple, no B.S. Haven't eaten Burger King since college, and there is one in my neighborhood I've never hit up. Mistake, BK is horrible, much worse than I remember it. Ordered the smallest meal possible, the soda was still 20z. Haven't tasted diet coke in a while, wow, tastes like sweet battery acid. The fries were surprisingly mealy and inferior to McDonalds, the burger was mayo-slathered, and not good mayo, either. The beef didn't really taste grilled, but it had that soy-byproduct flavor I became familiar with when I was in public school when I was a kid. The copy on the various collateral around the store was vaguely "clever" and snarky, like their advertising, trying to appeal to white males in their 20s, I guess. Weird, as most of the customers in the store were black and Hispanic families. At least McD's micro-markets, I guess BK just does one national message and hope for the best.

PM SNACK: 2:30pm, freshly made salsa fresca with flax seed corn chips, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Spent the afternoon prepping for tomorrow's pizza dinner...may experiment with a salsa pizza.

PM SNACK: 4pm, failed chocolate ganache, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 5pm, salad, a little seaweed rice, a little mac n' cheese, a little grilled chicken, a little cooked spinach, a little whipped failed ganache, glass of white wine, 1 bowl
K came over to see the baby, made dinner of a few left overs and a swiftly grilled chicken boobie. Nice to put out a meal in a few minutes, while the hours that went into making it over the past week was maybe 5 hours.

EVENING SNACK: 11:30pm, dinner over again minus the wine and desert, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Writing this blog, I realized I was hungry!

1 comment:

deebee said...

I'm glad Rufus has finally been accepted for what SHE is and was given a public "outing" and formal announcement.