I guess it would have to be B, because lil' Edie is looking a whole mess like I did when I was a biddy baby. When I was changing her diaper, I was reminded of the class in c-school where we had to properly truss a chicken and pork shoulder for roasting. Grabbing her ankles and lifting her butt in the air, its like the first step to putting the string under the chicken and tying the legs up! She's my little chicken, but more delicious. I just want to take her apart, dip her in buttermilk blended with fresh herbs, deep fry her in tallow, and eat her all up!!
Ummm, for legal reasons, let me state clearly NOT LITERALLY. You weirdo.
BREAKFAST: 8:30am, good granola with good milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
AM SNACK: 11am, farro and sausage, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
PM SNACK: 1:30pm, half a bagel and butter, pickled diakon, small piece of pawlet cheese, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
This Korean pickled radish stuff is heavenly, and the soft cheese I picked up from the Unfancy Food show is wowzers.
PM SNACK: 4:45pm, 1 slice streetza, small cup of fudge brownie vegan ice cream, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Heavy weather, so B went home and I walked up to Union Square. Had a slice at St. Mark's and A, a slice joint notable for being my go-to slice joint when I worked in the music biz and the night my mom died. Totally not good, a big bed of cheap cheese. I went by Stogo, not because I particularly like their stuff, but I like how lightly sweetened it is and after all that bad diary, something defiantly not felt good. Also, it's something that's artisanal, compared to all the cookie cutter frozen yogurt places that have sprung up everywhere.
PM SNACK: 6:15pm, large wedge of watermelon, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
This morning did a rare run to the local supermarket with a granny cart and picked up all sorts of stuff that's too heavy to transport by bicycle, like 40 lbs of cat litter, 2 gallons of Gatorade, and in particular a whole watermelon. Thought it would be too early in the season, but when I knocked it, it sounded pleasantly hollow but heavy for its size, its white splotch was creamy bright and only $3 for the whole thing. Tasted sweet and clean and crisp.
DINNER: 7:30pm, 2 shrimp tacos, a little Gatorade, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Mediocre Mexican ordered in.
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