Friday, September 25

Brownie Adventure

This morning I went to the high school I'll be teaching culinary and put out samples of brownies while talking to kids on their lunch break. It was pretty intense, and I'm looking forward to classes starting in early October.

I made my fudge brownies last night, and put them next to some cheap Lil' Debbie bodega brownies. Yeah, it set the bar real low but it was cool to see a lot these kids eat both, having grown up on Lil' Debbie, and see their eyes light up when they tried a brownie that's actually a brownie and not an industrial concoction's idea of what a brownie is. I'm gonna write about it a bit more in detail on the newly reactivated Culinary School Confidential tonight...

I was a little nervous this morning, and as I was depanning the brownies, ate one and that did me. On the way back, I spent an hour at the restaurant, as momma-in-law had Edie covered.

I strained the chicken stock I made a couple of days ago, and rendered all the wonderful fat that came to the surface in a nice hard white disk. After filling 4 half gallon freezer containers, I still had a bunch of stock left, so I boiled it down by half, and now it's nice and jello-like and sitting in my fridge waiting for the proper recipe...

8:30am, brownie, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

2pm, half a Manhattan Special, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 3:30pm, 1.5 slices of streetza, green salad, cider, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 7pm, hotdog, leek dumpling soup, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Boiled some chicken stock I made a couple of days ago and through in some frozen dumplings from the Korean Market and a little salt. Huh, not bad at all, and relatively healthy.

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