Thursday, December 30


After barely 4 hours sleep, I was thankful B had the day off to look after Edie. I spent the morning food shopping, then road my bike over to the pediatrician to join B & E for E's regular check up. Edie is in perfect health! When I left there, I realized I had forgotten to eat and between being tired and unusually hungry, thought I might actually plotz. Went around the corner to a slightly upscaleish Chinese joint and really enjoyed a meal, though even with my hunger the servings seemed way too large.

Watched some TV then passed out by 9. Cooking planned for the last day of 2010 tomorrow!

BREAKFAST: 10:30am, pint of iced green tea, pumpernickel bagel & butter, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

LINNER: 5pm, shrimp dumplings, fried rice with Chinese sausage, water, 1.75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Chinese sausage is dry and firm, and slightly sweet with a nice soy flavor. I don't know why more Chinese restaurants offer it.

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