Thursday, March 3

First day of class

Good busy day. Woke up late, finally normalizing after the LA trip and upset system. B went out to a playdate group with Edles while I lifted weights, then picked up a new bike from the shop, a wonderful early birthday present from B & her family.

Today was the first day of teaching this semester, 7 kids, a very quiet and focused group, very easily the best first class I've had. Feedback at the end was very positive, too, which hopefully means the pleasure was mutual. Swung by Wholefoods on the way home. Had a hard time falling asleep.

Tomorrow is home chores, followed by snickleyoga, hopefully that will get my sleep back on track once and for all!

AM SNACK: 9:30am, iced green tea

LUNCH: 1pm, frozen fish sticks, onion rings, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

SCHOOL SNACKIES: 6-7pm, cup of fruit smoothie, fresh salsa and corn chips, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 8:30pm, brown rice sushi & nori rolls, shrimp summer roll, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 10pm, cashews & chocolate chips

EVENING SNACK: midnight, Jamaican beef pattie, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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