Friday, April 8


Did not feel well today, not sick but not myself. No hunger until the evening. What is going on? Part of it is the stress of the kitchen -- men working all day to finish it up, and in the end after they're gone a lot of little details bothering me. Some of it can be fixed when they come back to do the final detail work for the final check, but some of it is poor craftsmanship which I suspect will be a fight with the contractor to get him to either do some stuff over or knock something off the bill. And, the thing that was the whole reason for the project, the dishwasher, is not powered. WTF? Urg.

Spent the day on two big walks with Edie, and spent a good part of the evening in the bike room tinkering with my cargo bike, definitely a stress reducer.

On the positive side, brewed up new tea for breakfast tomorrow!!

AM SNACK: 10am, handful of goldfish

PM SNACK: 2pm, slice of swiss cheese, a pickle

DINNER: 8pm, shrimp in black bean sauce with rice, dumplings, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

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