Thursday, July 28

Pancake desire

Did not lift weights this morning, I was considering it because I skipped it to bike ride yesterday, but I feel pleasantly sore/achy this morning, so might as well enjoy the recovery part. I chose to ride up a hillier route on the ride, and I'm happy to feel it this morning. Spent a nice mellow day with Edie, got some cooking done through out the day.

Mediterranean salad: CSA feta, onion, carrot and dill, can of white beans, 8oz cooked orzo, olive oil, a dash of red wine vinegar. Hmmm. Feta supplies enough salt, but it needs something. Maybe a squeeze of lemon? Let it sit for a day, we'll see. With a cold salad, it won't be too crazy to add an ingredient a little later.

Knish filling: Round 2.5, as I only used half the dough on the first round the day before last. Cooked another 5lbs of potatoes and caramelized 3 lbs of onions. Mixed more potato into the spinach left overs. Cooked up the other half of the cabbage, a little heavier on the vinegar, tastes more like a traditional quick kraut, nice.

Pancakes: Used industrial buttermilk, went a little too heavy on the salt, threw in some cinnamon to mix it up a little.

BREAKFAST: 9:30am, toasted bagel with cream cheese, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:15pm, potato knish, cabbage knish, water, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Really in love with this dough. Microwaved from refrigerator 1 minute, not bad, not ideal, but not bad.

DINNER: 5:30pm, pancakes, 2 ears of boiled corn, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Bought the corn on the way home from the Grand Street farmer's market, looked really good. Was considering chard and zucchini for dinner, but it just didn't appeal to me in the moment, and thought it would be good to have pancakes on hand for the Edles.

EVENING SNACK: 7:45pm, watermelon

EVENING SNACK: 10pm, wholewheat pretzels with nutella, some baked ziti, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5 
Hoped to avoid snacks with the watermelon, but I just got hungry. Residual from the previous day's bike ride, I assume.

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