Spent part of the day in the movie theater, another part at home cooking up some random things. I think I need to cook some knishes and other savory things ASAP, the fridge is looking bare...
Changed up the weight regimen this morning, did only muscle groups below the chest, and doubled the reps -- the exercises I could complete the reps, I'm going to up the weight, the ones where I can't, the weight will remain for now. Thursday I will do the same for chest/arms/shoulders. Probably take a month to cycle through the whole routine, and will probably up my soreness, but the 1-time-a-week on each group instead of three should ease with recovery.
Lime Sorbet Components: Had all these extra limes that B picked up, so I busted out a c-school recipe. Three components: Pint of freshly squeeze lime juice, 2 ounces of cooked meringue (1 egg white, 2 oz sugar, whipped in a double boiler until very hot then finished in the kitchen aide until doubled in volume), and 5 cups of sorbet basic syrup (quart of water, pound and a half of sugar, 6 oz of corn syrup and 2 oz of gelatin brought to a rolling boil then refrigerated). Once chilled, the three components will be thoroughly mixed then sent through the ice cream maker.
Graham Crackers: Found graham flour in the supermarket randomly, so I indulged myself in the afternoon with this recipe. Came out very very molassesy, but I love the gritty texture-- usually grit is nasty, but something about graham grit that is actually quite nice. Might either adjust molasses down and increase brown sugar, or find a different recipe all together.
BREAKFAST: 8:15am, organic chex with organic dead milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
LUNCH: 12:30pm, good peanut butter on homemade whole wheat multigrain bread, potato chips, 2 pickles, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Probably the healthiest lunch in the entire theater, once again.
PM SNACK: 5:45pm, large green salad, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
DINNER: 6:30pm, pasta with sauce, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
EVENING SNACK: 8pm, popcorn, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
EVENING SNACK: 10pm, waffle, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
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