Tuesday, December 13


It was too cold to hang out outside with Edie after school yesterday, so we went home and had a great amount of fun doing the laundry together. Funny how routine things can become adventuresome when done with a toddler.

BREAKFAST: 7:30am, iced green tea, the good oatmeal, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
1.5 cups water, .5 steel cut oats, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp cinnamon and 1/4 tsp cardemom. Good, but I think I can cut back the last 3 ingredients to 1/8 tsp -- I guess I'll just have to go "heavy pinch"

LUNCH: 12:30pm, 2 spinach knishes, health salad, pickles, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6pm, 2 slices streetza, large green salad, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 8pm, whole wheat ritz crackers & nutella, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

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