Tuesday, March 13

Bikey Thoughts

Upped the reps from 5 to 8 on the weights this morning, upped the sit ups and push ups, and it felt good. Still can't do a pull up, but I'm starting to move a few inches north, which is the right direction.

Taught Italian at school today, though in reality it was "Italian American". Funny thing, the only plates we had to eat from were tiny 5" dessert plates -- so even though I loaded up the plate with pasta, sauce, 2 (2 oz) meatballs and some broccoli and grated parm, it was a reasonable portion that felt like too much, overflowing the plate. I noticed the kids first dai the plates were too small, to which I responded, well, finish your plate and if you want more, feel free to eat more. Everyone filled up there plates, and only a few of them were able to finish it, no one went for seconds. Hmmm.

NYC is experiencing unseasonably warm weather, it's been in the high 60s/low 70s since Sunday. I hoped to ride last Saturday, but it was in the low/mid 40s. Predictions for Sunday call for the high 50s this coming Sunday. I wonder if I can ride the calorie deficit I go into after a good ride with healthier, less dense food to encourage weight loss -- I haven't been losing weight of late, but my muscles feel stronger than ever (evidenced by my mid-February ride where though my stamina wasn't there, my core felt very comfy hunched over the saddle....)

AM SNACK: 8am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 10:15am, a banana

LUNCH: 11:30am, sardine & avocado on whole wheat toast, large poppa salad, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

SCHOOL DINNER: 6:30pm, fresh spaghetti with sauce & meatballs, a little broccoli, grape soda, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Brought home a large number of left over meatballs -- not anxious to get more chopped red meat in my diet, but they were made with a good recipe, based on the one from the restaurant I last worked in. At the least, they'll last a long time and will be a good monthly addition to Edie's meals.  The meatballs are about 50% chopped beef, the other half is romano cheese, mashed up italian bread, lots of fresh parsley, onion, a bit of salt and pepper. Baked hot at 550 for 15 minutes, they burned a little, but that just gave them a bigger, more complex flavor.

EVENING SNACK:  9:30pm, whole wheat ritz crackers with nutella, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 10:30pm, 3 meatballs, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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