Thursday, October 4


I'm on the last pages of Animal Vegetable Miracle....I'm worried, we're entering the winter....nothing I like is in season in the winter!! If I shop seasonally, my green salad will be a mere shell of it's former self. I gotta get a list of what is in season when, then maybe try to be more open minded on trying new veg and fruit. OK, OK, I'm 36 years old and my parents have past away, but finally I'm ready to eat all that creepy healthy stuff they tried to train me to like all those years ago...

7:30am, yogurt with raw cashews and a dash of honey and vanilla, hunger 3/5

AM SNACK: 9:30am, 24 oz still water

LUNCH #1: 1:30pm, spaghetti noodles with barely any dressing, hunger 4/5
Oh lordy, those noodles were good. Didn't really need anything on them, the noodles themselves were a perfect texture, nice firm bite, just so....noodely. After I finished them, I patted myself on the back (hope no one saw!) This bring your-lunch-to-work ain't so bad, if I just have good left-overs on hand...

To think that B almost washed her soapy hands over them when they were resting in the sink, sniff sniff!

LUNCH #2: 4:30pm, fresh peanut butter on superhippy bread, hunger 4/5
Starting to feel nervous about yoga tonight. Damn, if only I didn't make Tamar take that bikeride....

DINNER: 8:45pm, 3 vegetable dumplings, half a vegan scallion pancake, Singapore-styled curry rice noodles, basil mooshoo rolls, water, hunger 4/5
Dinner at Zen Palate with B & T after my first experience with yoga. Still digesting the experience, will try to express my feelings tomorrow. Feel...weird about it. Weirdly familiar.

EVENING SNACK: 10:30pm, medium hunk of good dark chocolate, hunger 3/5
Occurred to me when I got home, I had no sweets the entire day. Briefly considered making today my first sweets-free day in recorded Noah-history, but then thought, "I just did yoga - I deserve chocolate!!" Not helping me fall asleep, though...

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