Wednesday, January 16

Wednesdays with Betsy

I go to England & Amsterdam tomorrow, but Betsy will not be coming with me & friends - she is taking the time to be with her father in Michigan, who is undergoing a bit of a health crisis. So today we are spending together. I spent the day indoors yesterday, too. Even though it's the 2nd day in a row, I'm feeling surprisingly good - I think laying low has avoided me getting sick, and being with B is helping elevate my spirits. There is something to this marriage thing that really works!

BREAKFAST: 10:15am, 2 shortbread cookies, pint water, hunger 3/5
Feel oddly nauseous, but better than yesterday.

LUNCH: noon, 1 superhippy grilled cheese sandwich with raw milk emmenthaller, grilled onion and grass fed butter, bowl of Betsy's homemade split pea soup reheated with extra water, olive oil and a shake of sea salt, pint of water, hunger 4/5
Betsy's soup was really delicious after being un-solidified. Made the restaurant-worthy grilled cheese again, Betsy was also impressed, she had a small one and after eating it said based on the sandwich, think it'll be nearly impossible to give up dairy!

PM SNACK: 3:45pm. last 4 shortbread cookies, pint of water, hunger 4/5
These cookies are the opposite of depression snacks. They make me happy.

PM SNACK: 5pm, 1 wholewheat saltless pretzel, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 7pm, spoonful of peanutbutter, small bowl of organic cornflakes and good milk, hunger 4/5
Getting hungry waiting for dinner.

DINNER: 8:30pm, Ethiopian vegetarian combo, water, hunger 3/5
Dinner out with B, didn't feel like leaving the house but glad I did.

DESSERT: 10pm, chocolate cinnamon soy ice cream, hunger 3/5
Whipped it up quick for B & I, came out good - blending the hell out of it eliminates the powdery feel. Threw in cinnamon, gave it a nice kick. Look forward to serving it to the HVS & co.

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