Today, I made raw kraut for the HVS with this recipe. It was pretty straightforward: chop up 5 pounds of cabbage (I used a mandolin), some optional veg (thinly sliced carrots), salt generously, and mix. Place into a plastic bucket, top with a plate and some weights to compress. Cover with a towel to keep out dust and ephemera. Wait 7 days, periodically checking and pressing it down. Not sure if I'm going to jar it yet -- boiling will stabilize it, but also kill the fermentation, which is supposedly the biggest health-aspect to this dish. Any one out there with advice/opinions on canning this kraut?
My back aches when I wake up, which I suppose is normal for a man my age. As I loosen up and wake up, it's pretty much gone in 15 minutes or so. However, this morning, my back and my wrists ached. The last time my wrists felt like this, I had hit a bad pothole on my bike and my wrists were forced to act as shock absorbers -- and they didn't hurt until the next day. I don't remember any dramatic potholes and yesterday's ride out to Coney. Could it be the crap food I've been eating lately? The weather? My mom had lots of issues with her wrists in her later years. I think I should get Ilsa's admonishments into my head and focus on eating a little better, particularly with the effect the restaurant is having on my diet. Today's yoga took my wrists out of their comfort zone, but I only found one or two positions newly out of reach, and they felt better after.
The yoga studio I attend is not afraid to aggressively push its agenda, which I appreciate. While they're not stealthily trying to turn you into a tree-huggin', whale-lovin' hippy, they are upfront about their views. Still, when today's instructor mentioned meat eaters who, "sexually manipulate people, then kill them to eat them," that made me giggle. The HVS had to explain to me that 'people' and animals are used interchangeably, and that the sexual manipulation was referring to breeding practices in industrial settings, not necessarily bestiality (though I assume the yoga peeps are against that too. As am I -- for the record).
BREAKFAST: 10am, 1 apple, .25 bowl, hunger 3/5
AM SNACK: 11:30am, flax-seed tortilla chips, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Don't want to be too hungry when going to yoga.
SNICKLE SNACK: 2:45pm, cup of kitcheri, big vegan Cesar salad, 3 small pieces of 'taco toast', water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
After-yoga vegan fiesta with the HVS. The studio's cafe has recently redid their menu, with the taco toast (black beans, tomato, avocado and chimichurri sauce on triangles of toasted whole wheat bread) being a new thing. Not particularly great, but not boring.
PM SNACK: 5:30pm, 3 freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Baked the remainder of the dough for when B got home, kept them in an extra 3 minutes, nice and crunchy.
DINNER: 7:30pm, fresh spinach pasta with shrimp, olive oil and garlic and parm, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Not bad for a meal where the two main ingredients were out of the freezer. Used some rocking rocambole garlic from the farmer's market.
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