Friday, March 20

Intense Day

A long but fun day at the restaurant. A blurb on line got a few more people popping in and calling, asking what and when it's all going to happen. Tomorrow, I've invited friends to come to the restaurant for a pre-soft opening / birthday lunch. We've been talking it up to some locals who might join us, and a harpist hungry for work is playing for free, which is nice/weird. Never had a harpist play at a birthday party for me!

BREAKFAST: 8:15am, organic chex with organic dead milk, .5 bowl

AM SNACK: 11:30am, samples of 3 different kinds of soup with excellent baguette, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
From Almondine down the street, really high quality.

PM SNACKING: 12noon-8pm, various snippets of gelato, a sampling of cheeses, celery and olives (an appetizer we're figuring out the presentation), a few sodas, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

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