Sunday, April 5

Getting a little better

Cranked out pizzas all day, it started around 12:30 and did not stop until around 10pm. We did our best at prep in the morning and got it down mostly, but once it started rolling, all I really did was expedite, make the hot apps in cast iron pans in the pizza oven, guide L with our (non)system for tickets, deal with various issues that came up in the dining room, and try to suck down a bit of energy/food along the way. Afterward, went for a drink on the promenade with a fellow kitchen worker to unwind for a few hours and go over the past week in detail, as well as geek out talking about pizza.

BREAKFAST: 8:30am, I can't remember, I may not have eaten anything after only 4 hours of sleep

RESTAURANT DAZE: 10am-midnight, 2 Manhattan Specials, various small quantities of pizzas, a few snippets of salad, water, a beer, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

POST DAZE BEER: 12:30, maybe a pint and a half of Brooklyn Local 2

POST BEER DAZE: 2:30am, 2 cheese burgers and a small fries, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Drunk, tired, missing home and my parents, indulged in a sinful thing, the only thing open and on the way home that wasn't Chinese, a McDonalds. Makes me miss my grandmother. People really eat this stuff on a regular basis?

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