Tuesday, August 25


Between waking up a little late, and B going out to lunch with a colleague then out all night to her bookclub, most of the day was either in front of the computer or entertaining Edles. In the afternoon, she seemed a little antsy and I put her in the sling and just went -- no supplies, no food, no nuthin'. We didn't go far from home, in case we needed anything, but the motion and fresh air and ambient noise put E to sleep for a solid 90 minutes. Sitting on a bench in a park, sleeping baby strapped to my front, spouse out livin' it up, this is what a parent is.

9am, smoothie, .75 bowl, hunger 3/5
Stomach felt a bit off after last nights feast. Used up the rest of the fruit, had to toss the rest of the cherries as they were a bit shweaty.

AM SNACK: 11am, momma style salad, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Dressed simply in olive oil and salt.

LUNCH: 12:45p, 1 hot dog, potato nic, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

3:30pm, chocolate babka, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 7pm, Stouffer's french bread pizzas, chocolate babka, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Was going to cook something, but the distraction of a baby on the edge of being cranky made me keep it simple.

EVENING SNACK: 9:30pm, popcorn, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Edles was in full cranky mode, and when she woke up an hour after I put her down with a full-throated wail, I knew it was time for freshly popped popcorn made with butter and sea salt...

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