Friday, December 4


Again, no appealing breakfast food so went for a pizza. Promptly went shopping at the local supermarket and bought....funyuns, a highly processed mock-onion ring that took me straight back to 4th grade. Kinda gross, kinda delicious.

Had lunch with Y before hitting up Wholefoods, finally stocked up on breakfast elements and the like. HVS came over in the evening and I made c-school vegetable soup, though I finished with the juice of a lemon, but it was a large lemon, and the soup ended up tasting a bit like lemon soup, blech. How ever, I took some WF whole wheat pizza dough and topped it with hummus, thinly sliced tomato, home-roasted red peppers, olive oil and salt and it came out pretty not-nasty.

On one of the first dates between me and my wife, she invited me back to her place to cook me a meal. Boy, was that ugly! She took pitas, topped it with some vegetable matter and shredded cheese, undercooked it in the oven, then presented it as "pitza". BLECH! Good thing I don't subscribe to the whole "a woman's role is in the kitchen" or we would have had problems. This pizza was my tribute to my beautiful, intelligent, sexy, capable, motherly but culinarily-challenged wife.

BREAKFAST: 10am, frozen pizza, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 1pm, funyuns, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 2pm, chirashi sushi, age tofu, hot chocolate, molten chocolate cake, 1 bowl, hunger 3/5

SNICKLEDINNER: 6:15pm, green salad, vegetable soup, "pitza", vegan chocolate chip cookies, a glass of red wine, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

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