Tuesday, January 12

Not hungry today

Just not very hungry today, my body must be recovering from a bug, this is not typical.

Spent the evening at a food coop meeting, thought it's too early for the subject to really be about food, more about business structure and philosophy, from which the food can flow.

BREAKFAST: 8:30am, organic granola with organic dead milk, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5
I gotta start making my own granola, it'll be cheaper and more available in quantity.

LUNCH: 1pm, left over pasta, .75 bowl, hunger 3/5

PM SNACK: 2pm, cherry crumble bar
A home baked snack from the group leader of the play date drop in.

PM SNACK: 4pm, large green salad, snippets of kasha varnishkes, .75 bowl, hunger 3/5
After coming home from the group and before B came home, I cooked up a big ol' bucket of kasha varniskes. I caramelized 3 Spanish onions in chicken fat, toasted some barley then reconstituted it in chicken stock, fat, salt and pepper. Boiled up some egg noodle bow ties and tossed it all together, along with more salt and a lot more fresh ground pepper.

DINNER: 6:45pm, fish taco with rice & beans, glass of cava, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Out to Petisco with B, E and a couple of friends.

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