Monday, June 28

All together reasonable

Woke up after a total of 16 hours sleep, felt pretty good. Went out with B&E to the local cafe for breakfast, stopping by the gourmet donut shop for a snack. Entertained in the late afternoon -- when couples with young babies get together, 4:30 is an all together reasonable dinner time!

Two really heavy meals, no need for a third.

AM SNACK: 2am, half a pint of ice cream, brown rice crispies with organic dead milk, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

BREAKFAST: 8:30am, blueberry pancakes, home fries, bacon, water, donut, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

LINNER: 4:30pm, watermelon-feta salad, cheese & vegetable ravioli in a pistachio-lemon cream sauce, mint-chocolate ganache ice cream, 1 glass of white wine, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Went all out to entertain a local couple with a baby, one of which I've worked with on the Food Coop and have hung out with plenty. I used this recipe for the watermelon, and was very happy how it came out. I made a pesto with basil, freshly roasted pistachios, lemon zest, walnut oil and asagio cheese, but I did not like it, so I added cream and more zest, and with salt it was the right balance of nutty/creamy/cheesy/zesty. A heavy but summery sauce.

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