Sunday, August 15


Woke up at 4am, got out of the house by 4:45am, rode the bike to Poughkeepsie, 80 miles. Got there by 1:15, with plenty of time to get the 1:40 train home. Between the perfect weather (low 80s, overcaste but dry) and the eating of small amounts multiple times, it was a strong, fun ride without any moments of weakness -- infact, I found myself pushing harder the last ten miles to assure a relaxed amount of time for making the train.

The rest of the day was chillin' with the ladies & Yomomma, we ordered in a pizza then a I did a run for ice cream. I wa out like a light by 9pm.

AM SNACK: 4:30am, banana

AM SNACK: 6am, caffienated clif bar

AM SNACK: 8am, gatorade, corn chips

AM SNACK: 10am, gatorade, corn chips

LUNCH: 11:15am, california roll, crappy knish, chocolate chip cookies, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 1pm, gatorade

PM SNACK: 1:45pm, chocolate chip cookies

PM SNACK: 4:30pm, shrimp saag & rice, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 5:30pm, cesar salad, mushroom & onion pizza, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 7pm, cookie dough ice cream, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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