Thursday, December 9

Constant Motion

A nice day -- spent the morning with the Edes, did some chores in the 'hood, oddly ended with E not napping, just hanging out in her crib for a few hours cooing. Taught pizza to my students, fun but the end results were crappier than the last 2 times I taught this lesson. Swung by Wholefoods on the way home and had a nice evening vegging in front of the TV.

From waking to taking a shower when I got home, I was pretty much in constant motion. It was good.

AM SNACK: 9am, iced green tea

BRUNCH: 11:45am, 8 freshly fried latkes, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Had a little left over mix from Sunday, fried them off before they had a chance to go bad.

SCHOOL SNACKING: 5-7pm, lots of differently prepared, mostly poorly made slices of pizza, a handful of juice drinks .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 11pm, cheesy poofs, nuttela & peanut butter, quart of water, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

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