Thursday, January 6

Premature Breakfast

Woke up out of sorts with a sour stomach, probably after eating too much the night before. Met Cousin J at Katz's for pastrami -- normally not what I'd eat on a day like today but I only see her once a year nowadays and this is our tradition. It was fantastic to feed Edie a few little bites of pastrami, pickle and fry after her nap and before going home to give her a proper nutritious meal.

Half was more than enough, I don't know why they don't sell half portions. Who am I kidding, of course I know why they don't -- they don't have to, most people assume one sandwich and one order of fries is a single portion.

Spent a drowsy day with Edie and J, and when  B got home, road J her to her next destination on the tandem then popped over to Marlow & Daughters for some good but incredibly expensive freshly cut bacon for breakfast on Saturday with a few friends.

Fortunately, the pastrami sat well due to it's limited amount and had  a momma-style salad in the evening, before finding my appetite and eating a premature breakfast.

LUNCH: 12:15pm, half a pastrami sandwich, half an order of fries, a few pickles, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 6pm, chunks of cucumber, carrot and red pepper with a light sprinkling of salt, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 8pm, toasted pumpernickel bagel with sable and cream cheese, water

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