Monday, February 7

Dinner in Red & Green

Good Monday. Playgroup in the morning, then nap and lunch. Playdate with C and her baby in Brooklyn in the afternoon. Dinner with my wifey in the eve!

Smoothie: banana, blueberries, grapes, cherries, mango, milk, good yogurt, ground flax, salt, vanilla extract. Went a bit heavy on the blueberries by accident and came out really sweet, very drinkable though. Vanilla and banana are such complimentary flavors.

Pasta with spinach: Hmmmm. Pasta is a "once a week" red-zone food, but by throwing some chopped spinach in it (from freezer to micro to pot with hot pasta) it actually tasted really good and nudged it into the green zone a little. Maybe whole wheat pasta heavier on the spinach next time. Added a little bit of homemade tomato sauce, a shot of good olive oil and a handful of grated parm really zinged up these wagon wheels.

BREAKFAST: 9am, smoothie, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:30pm, breaded fish fillets, large green salad, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 4:30pm, green chai tea, graham crackers, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Technically, "graham" flour is whole wheat flour, but these industrial cookies mix it with more than 50% refined flour than sweeten it up with corn syrup, so no way they can get a green rating. Tempting to make my own with 100% whole grain and lightly sweetened with real sugar.

DINNER: 6:15pm, pasta with spinach, cashews & chocolate chips, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 1am, pistachios, 2 buttermilk pancakes, 4 little bags of chocolate geltAnd it was such a good eating day until this point! If I was just asleep, this wouldn't of happened, but restlessness combined with hunger combined with stress, well, fneh.

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