Sunday, May 15

Momma Chicken

I briefly woke at 3:30, felt my sore throat, felt my sleep-unrelated wooziness, decided to skip riding out to Montauk in the rain, and went back to bed. Woke at 8, after 10.5 hours of sleep considerably refreshed, and the sound of heavy rain made me feel a bit better about my decision. No doubt if I had bit the bullet and woken up and ridden, I would probably be sick for the rest of the week. And I wouldn't have made this video of Edie dancing!

Spent the morning on spring cleaning chores, interrupted by a dual healthy/unhealthy lunch. Took time off from life by going to a horrible movie, then rushed back home to cook dinner for the fam & momma in law. An easy, lazy evening on the couch.

Waffles: Used the c-school recipe for a double batch, heated the iron high and gave it one minute per side. Pretty good.
Spinach: Just took a bag of chopped frozen spinach and through it into a hot sauce pan with about a half cup of vegetable stock, through in some salt, some cayenne, some smoked paprika and a little dried minced onion. Came out OK, nothing special.

BREAKFAST: 8:45am, iced green tea, handful of chocolate covered coffee beans

LUNCH: 11am, large green salad, onion rings, 2 ice cream sandwiches, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6:30pm, chicken & waffles, spinach, water, 1.5 bowls, hunger 4/5
On the way home picked up eggs to make the waffles. My first thought was "Chili & Waffles"! but I couldn't find any chili. My second thought was "Chicken & Waffles!" and picked up a rotisserie chicken. My mom would bring these home all the damn time, they were never anything special. Same with this one. One thing I did find was after taking a few hacks at it with a knife, I started just picking it apart with my fingers, which was EXACTLY what my mom would do. He. Sometimes momma overrules culinary training.

EVENING SNACK: 9pm, 2 ice cream sandwiches, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

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