Sunday, July 31


Didn't get much sleep, probably the effects of the meager 1.5 beers I had before late dinner last night. B,E & I went out for brunch this morning at Bubby's in DUMBO, where we got married and next to the park we had out first date/where I proposed. Today was our 6th anniversary, though for some reason until she told me, I thought it was our 5th.

Our six years can be divided neatly into three eras:
  • First 2 years: Meet n' greet
  • Second 2 years: Married n' harried
  • Third 2 years: Edie indeedy!
I guess the fourth 2 years will be all about juggling 2 bebes and stuff. I'm very lucky to have snookered such a great gal to marry me, and even luckier to have such a wunder-bebe with her.

And so endeth July. I weigh in tomorrow, I suspect I'm a few pounds heavier, but physically I still feel good, muscles more toned than they've ever been, core-strength has increased a little, arms and shoulders feel slightly beefier. Working out three days a week on weights to the point of soreness the next day is something I should have started doing years ago. I have some thoughts about my eating patterns of late, I guess I'll go into that and the challenges tomorow.

Fell asleep at the tv around 7, a few hours later picked myself up and put myself to bed.

AM SNACK: 8:45am, handful of chocolate covered espresso beans

BRUNCH: 10:45am, pancakes, potatoes, sausage, pie, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LINNER: 4:45pm, hotdog, knish, water, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

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