Wednesday, September 21

The Sleep Game

Last night went much better. Betsy was asleep in our room, she left work early and felt totally blown out, and being she's so pregnant, did not want to push it. By 9pm, after a bath and playtime and a meal and 2 extra mini meals after, Edie just didn't want to go to sleep. So as we were at the kitchen table, I asked her if I could go to sleep. She said, "No!" So I put my head on the table, then she put her head on the table. A light bulb went off, and I said, "OK, now we are going to play the sleep game!" Edie exclaimed, "Sleep game! Sleep game!" I brought her to her room, put down the shades, got under the covers with her and turned off the lights. "Now we pretend we're asleep!! Zzzzzzz!" She imitated me, and within 5 minutes, she was fast asleep in my arms. -sigh-

Tomato Sauce: Made a big round to last a while. Sauteed 4 chopped onions in olive oil to soft, added 2 finely grated carrots until cooked, then minced bunch of fresh oregano and fresh basil from the CSA. Added 4 large cans of whole peeled tomatoes right through a food mill, then added 2 full heads of roasted garlic, mashed up by hand. A shot of balsamic, a healthy dash of salt, simmer for about 45 minutes then cool to room temp to pack for the freezer. Gosh, I remember when me & my dad did this, we'd have all 4 burners going with 4 big pots, and we'd make enough to last 6 months. I think the next round I should try to mimic his recipe, which involved tomato paste, Italian sweet peppers, and a jar of cheap spaghetti sauce as a was more like extending the jar of sauce as much as making something from scratch...

Knish filling & dough: For round 5.0, I'm caramelizing 5 lbs of onions in the oven instead of the stovetop, boiling the potatoes and adding extra shortening and a few whole eggs to see how the final comes out.

Green Tea: Just made 2 gallons with high quality stuff, 1/4 cup sugar in each gallon to hide the bitterness of my poor brewing skills. Definitely will be nice to wake up to again.

BREAKFAST: 9am, BLT on rye, homefries, diet coke, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

AM SNACK: 11:45am, homemade brownie

LUNCH: 2:15pm, large green salad, lame Trader Joes frozen pizza, pickle, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 7:30pm, capellini pasta with sauce, vanilla ice cream, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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