The battery on the scale died, will weigh in when I fix it later in the week, as it takes these annoying tiny round watch batteries.
Woke up late, spontaneously took another crack at the apple honey cake, took Edie on the bike over the Ferry to SI for an old friend's 4yr old's bday party (only in SI would they server pizza and scungilli at a kid's party), home by 6, then out again for an adult's bday. I was surprisingly tired, but made it through.
Apple Honey Cake: Was underwhelmed earlier in the week by this recipe when I halved the sweeteners. So I remade it, kept closer to the original recipe, replaced allspice with cardamom, and topped it was a crumb topping (stick of butter, half cup of flour, half cup of brown sugar, some salt and cinnamon, beaten in stand mixer until crumbly)
I used 2 small collared pans, and baked at 325 for 45 minutes. It looked good, golden on top so I took them out and put them on the window sill to cool. Come back 30 minutes later....and the middles had completely cratered -- not cooked long enough. I refrigerated one, and cut open the other, scooping out the liquidy middle. In the end, it looked kinda like...a bundt! A recipe this moist, it needed the increased surface area to cook through. And me adding all the fat in the crumb topping to this very moist cake did not help at all. Still, what I did salvage was about.... 10x more delicious than the first round, so I'm tempted to go again in a bundt....
AM SNACK: 9am, iced green tea
BRUNCH: 11am, pancakes, sausage, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
PM SNACK: 12:30, apple honey cake, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
LUNCH: 4pm, pizza, scungilli, half a beer, a few potato chips, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
EVENING SNORT: 7:30pm, 1 beer
Out at a bar in Brooklyn for a good friend's bday.
DINNER: 10:15pm, bbq duck, lamb shoulder, corriander bacon, eggplant dip, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Late night dinner at Fatty Cue with friends -- we ordered 2 entrees and 2 apps to share with the 4 of us, was enough food for a small but very fatty, filling meal.
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