Tuesday, January 10

A weirdly filling lunch

Got a decent night's sleep, despite finishing the espresso-laiden chocolate ice cream last night. Slightly sore from yesterday's weights, particularly in the upper parts where I attemped a pull up -- thats good, muscle breaking down so it can come back stronger, harder.

Went out to lunch with B to a new Indian street-food restaurant on the edge of the neighborhood, was really good, and I ate a reasonable amount -- B finished her plate, I took home about 1/3 of my lunch. However, by the time I delivered Edie home around 4pm, my stomach was still full, in a weird way. My head started throbbing, and though I was hoping to do some chores and cooking in the evening, I ended up taking Tylenol, tums and got to bed by 10. My body was more sore in the evening than in the morning, which I credit the previous day's weight lifting, but it did not help my over all feeling of being hit by a truck.

Happy 1 month birthday, Milli Mil!

AM SNACK: 7:45am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 8:45am, Special K with organic dead milk, 4 chocolate chip cookies, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:45pm, lamb, rice, naan, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 8pm, 8oz of ginger ale

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